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Ding ding ding!

"Welcome!" A very excited and welcoming voice called out.

You had come to Suzunaan to rent a few books. While normal books were aplenty in the village, you wanted something unusual, interesting. An acquaintance had told you about this book rental shop. You wave in kind at the girl who welcomed you. "I'm guessing you're running this place?"

"Yep! I'm Motoori Kosuzu, at your service. Now, anything you possibly need?"

"Well, I'm looking for something fun and new. I've heard this shop has things that aren't all ordinary," you nearly stuttered as you explained what you wanted. This girl was so bright and adorable. Had to admit, you wanted to pet her head.

"If unordinary is what you need, Suzunaan has that covered! I have a collection of all kinds of books including but not limited to outside world books and articles, magic, old books written by youkai long past, and many others!" Kosuzu ran up to a shelf nearby and grabbed a couple books before bringing them to you. "Here's a few I'd recommend to get started. You can have a look and see if you like them or not."

"Thank you," you grabbed the books and sat down on a chair and skimmed through the books. While you silently read, you took quick peeks at the girl who was currently cleaning the store. What were you doing? You shouldn't stare like that... You desperately tried to stop a blush from appearing.

"You've been here for a while. Have you made a decision?"

You quickly snap out of your thoughts and turn to her, smiling. "Y-yeah, I'll rent all of them."

"Really? Wow, I guess we both can't say no to a good book!"

After renting the book, you walk out of the store satisfied. Motoori Kosuzu... you'd definitely come here often.


It's been a week since you rented the books and you finally finished them all. It was definitely interesting and you couldn't understand a lot of it, but part of the fun was learning new things, even if some of it is fiction.

Ding ding ding!


You smirk at that sweet melodic voice. You took in her appearance for a moment then gave the books to her.

"Ah, welcome back! You must have enjoyed them a lot!"

"Got anymore recommendations?" You ask her.

"Plenty!" Kosuzu excitedly bounced over to a shelf, climbing on the ladder to get to a higher part. "They're right here somewhere!"

Then the ladder snapped. You didn't know if it was just instinct or worry that she might get hurt, but you ran faster than you ever did in your life, ran under her, and caught her in a princess carry. You stood still for a moment, still comprehending what had just happened.

"T-thank you!"Kosuzu took a moment to breath. You both could hear each other's heartbeat. You both had flushed faces. If anyone else was there, they'd think you guys were already together. "I'm... so sorry about this... ummm,"

"(Y/N), and don't be ridiculous. It's not even your fault. The ladder broke because of age, probably."

After that, you got your books and headed home. You couldn't help but think back to her cute, beet red face. It was that moment you knew you had something for her.

For the next 2 months, your days in Suzunaan weren't like your first 2 days. Kosuzu acted strangely around you, stuttering randomly and keeping her head down so you couldn't see her face. I mean, at this point it was pretty obvious what that meant, just that you hadn't thought of a good way to approach her.

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