Stupid vent

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-TMI warning-

There are so many reasonable things I could be crying about and I'm crying about the fact I have boobs?! Only adds fuel to the fire of hating myself... I don't want to talk to my mom about it because she'll say I should be happy that I have boobs and say that I'm lucky to have big boobs and I can usually go to her to talk about things so that really stresses me out. I'm non-binary and told her I want her to call me Gray and use they/them pronouns for me. She said it would be really hard to do that and I said I understood, but I wanted her to try and she said my baby sister would still call me by my deadname and I don't like that because we're not talking about what she calls we're talking about what you call me and I don't want to correct her because I think we'll have the same conversation we have every time the topic of my gender comes up, witch is  basically just telling me that it's hard and my little sister will still call me my deadname and then she continues to call me by my deadname and use the wrong pronouns for me. She also won't let me get a binder because my dad would stress out about it because of the risks of wearing one

I just want the one person I trust and love most to respect my identity

And she won't...

Random crap I think of 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt