Hidden in plain sight

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**Keigo's POV**

"I need the two of you to beat me up a bit." Toga told us and I could not believe it. "Not too much, just to make it believable."

"Are you sure you want us to do that?" Dabi asked.

"Yes! Then Mr. Compress with shrink everyone including himself, and I will walk out as a victim with you all hidden on me."

We barely did anything to her, a few cuts and a really long mild burn. I guess we did not have the evil bone to hurt Toga. We felt terrible when we had to make part of the building fall on her. I had to focus to get the pillar to land on her leg without killing her or causing too much pain.

It felt weird being shrunk down to a small orb. I could not hear anything or see anything.

**Toga's POV**

I had to wait for the agents to find me. They had a record of the real girl being missing right before the first escape. They were all hidden in a little pouch in a spot no one would look.

They found me and carefully took me to an ambulance. It was a good thing that little Deku didn't have a chance to blab about my powers yet. I hid any trace of my powers at the police stations.

They believed my terrified story and took me to a hospital. It was not hard to sneak away after dark. Then I turned back to normal. I snuck to a hidden spot in the woods that Dabi showed me. Then I pulled out the pouch out of my shirt. Then I crushed the orbs to let everyone free.

Keigo bolted for a corner and he curled into himself. He started shivering and moving back and forth. Dabi walked over and sat next to him. Close but not close enough to touch.

Twice sat down in front of Keigo and said nothing. I was so worried about what happened to him. Something must have happened the last time he was this age.

"I'm sorry, I did not know he would react like this." Mr. Compress said and I patted his back.

"It was panic or die. You made the right choice even though it was hard." I told him.

"We need to stop them before we run out of safe houses." Shiggy said. "What shall we plan next?"

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