Chapter Two

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Present Day

Brooklyn, NY

A brawl has broken out and Kylin McGuinness has punched a girl in the face hard and continues to do so.

All she wanted to do was get to her apartment, fold her freshly washed and dried clothes, eat some pistachio ice cream, wrap up a session with her group and then read a damn book.

But sadly, she has been forced by nature to beat the living shit out off a lowlife. She hadn't had a fight in years and she was not rusty in the least.

She thought about how pretty the girl is. Well at least she was. Her sandpaper colored skin was currently covered in scrapes, bruises and cuts. She would need stitches, that was a given. She had tied her hair into a silk scarf: The tell-tale for all black girls meaning, "I wanna fight you". Obviously she was prepared for this fight with Kylin.

The fight was getting brutal. Kylin had blacked-out long ago. She didn't even hear the crunches as she broke the girl's jaw and nose. To her ultimate demise, Kylin stands up for more leverage as she began kicking the girl. Right after she kicks the girl in her head, a random assailant interferes with a wooden bat and wedges it into the Kylin's ribs several times. The sound of sirens brings her to a stop then she runs leaving Kylin on the ground clutching her ribs and groaning in pain.

She was going to jail, so she considered this a warm up and stopped clutching her ribs and stood up. As she stood she was immediately threated to lie back down from the authorities. Groaning, she drops to her knees and placed her palms on the pavement as policemen and EMTs surround her.

Kylin swings her feet from her perch atop the hospital bed. She'd been here for hours after being immediately rushed to the emergency room. She guessed they'd want their prisoners healthy before neglecting them for the remainder of their sentence.

She tried to punch the air from frustration. But with her wrist being shackled to the bed, she failed.

Years had passed since anyone messed with her. Years had passed since she
lost control. In a matter of minutes all her progress went down the drain. A knock on door forced Kylin to lazily lift her head in that direction. She immediately rolls her eyes.

Detective Dennis Jones walks further into the room with hands in his pockets and roams over the body of the goddess and dismisses the female police officer that accompanied him. She doesn't move and he looks at her and notices her giving a look of disdain towards Kylin.

Kylin looks at the cop that cuffed and booked her. Females in law enforcement always had something to prove so she didn't particularly like the way Officer Bitch roughed her up, so she spoke.

"The only thing standing in the way of me beating YOUR ass, is these shackles."

"You really want to threaten a police officer?"

"I got it from here." Dennis says meaningfully as she makes a step towards Kylin.

Officer Bitch looks at him and fear flashes across her face and as quick as it came, it left with her.

Dennis waits for the cop to leave and he looks sympathetically at Kylin.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I just got rammed in the ribs with a fucking bat."

"Ouch. What happened?"

"Uhm. I was rammed in the ribs with a bat."

Dennis narrowed his eyes at her then.

"Yeah, I got that part. But get this, she's in ICU. She's either gonna have severe brain damage, be reduced to a comatose state or she may die." He enlightens while counting off his fingers and Kylin just blankly stares at him. He shakes his head at that.

"Broken ribs and all? I see you don't waste time Officer." She turns around for cuffs and gets guided out the hospital room.

The second Kylin is led to the elevator a heavyset woman storms towards her. Some officers stop her before she reaches her target.

"You little bitch!" she screams.

Kylin rolls her eyes for the second time in the span of 5 minutes. The elevator doors open and she gets escorted in and looks at the uncivilized woman, who she assumed was the mother and smiles wildly.

"Why don't you come visit me when she stops breathing?" As the doors close she faintly hears death threats and insults.

The elevator finally gets to the main floor and Dennis continues to walk her to his car. He helps her into the passenger side and then makes his way around to the driver's seat.

He orders her to turn around and he uncuffs her. He watches her rub her wrists and then she looked at him. It was a look of annoyance but her beauty did not falter.

Her hair grew out beautifully from the buzz cut she'd given herself all those years ago on that tragic day.

It was now in her natural disorderly curls. Her eyebrows arched around beautiful almond shaped-dark brown orbs. She had a small button in the center of her face. Then there were her lips; her small full lips that he fell asleep dreaming about every night. The tiny mole on her chin wrapped the package that was was her face.

All the features on her face were slightly centered, almost foxy. She was his fox. And his fox was speaking to him.

He was staring at her but his eyes were glazed over.

Is this nigga daydreaming?

"Are you fucking listening?"


She rolled her eyes, "You need to stop saving me D."


"If that girl dies, I'm done."

"You're going to Boston."


Eh. Beats jail I guess.

She makes her way out the car.

"Where are you going?"

"To go pack."

"All of your things are already there."

"You sending me off, does not erase the fact that I probably killed someone."

"I'll keep it under wraps for as long as it takes." He digs into his pocket and pulls out a small box and opens it.

"I was gonna wait but I think we're ready."

Kylin stares at the ornate accessory. She guessed it was pretty but why the--

She starts to laugh uncontrollably.

"Dennis, do I fuck you so good that you wanna lock my vagina down?"

"I love you. I think you love me too."

"And I think you have that confused with casual sex."

"Just say no-

"No! A thousand times no."

Kylin finally gets out the car shaking her head in disbelief.

Officer Jones jumps out the car and stands by the door, "You have several broken ribs let me drive you at least."

Kylin turns around while walking backwards, "Nope! I'm good!" she says before turning forward on her way to the train station.

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