Return to the Crimson Waste

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Scorpia's P.O.V.

I slowly walked out of the Whispering Woods, seeing Bright Moon's castle up ahead. Of course it practically sparkled in all its glory. Like something that came straight out of a fairy tale. I looked down, nervously pinching my claws. 

"I'm a little nervous. Why do you think the Queen summoned us to see her? I mean, she could've summoned any other princess. Why us?" I asked. However, I looked beside me, seeing my companion had already disappeared. I blinked. 

"Entrapta? Where did you-"

"Wow! Look at this beauty!" I looked up at a tree, seeing the small tech princess looking at a bird. Course, it didn't look like at regular bird, it had beautiful rainbow wings with a white under belly and piercing blue eyes. Entrapta stared at it in awe, using a scanner to examine it. "This is certainly a magnificent specimen! I'm getting rather strong magic readings from this creature. I wonder what it uses that magic for?" she said. I sighed.

"Entrapta, we have to- GAH!" the sudden thud behind me caused me to fall over and land onto the ground. I groaned, sitting up and spitting out grass. The familiar beeping behind me made me giggle, and I looked to see Emily coming over to me. She nudged me, making me laugh.

"Emily, calm down. It's fine. I know it was an accident." I said. I stood up and brushed the dirt off of me. "Entrapta, come on. We gotta go see the queen." I stated. Entrapta glanced down at me, and blinked. I sighed.

"Glimmer. Ya know, the queen of Bright Moon. Adora and Bow's friend."

"Oh right, Glimmer.....why are we going to see her again?"

"She summoned us! She needs us for something."

"Ah, gotcha. Sorry, I just got distracted....again." Entrapta said, sliding down from the tree and returning to my side. "It's fine. But we shouldn't mess around anymore. This might be something important." I said. Entrapta nodded.

"Right! Then I'll try my best not to get distracted and focus on- ooooh look at that butterfly! It's glowing!" Before she could bolt off, I grabbed her with one claw and held her under my arm. 



Catra's P.O.V.

I waited patiently in the throne room with Bow, Glimmer, and Adora. The four of us waited silence, while I sighed. 

"Just what exactly are we waiting for again?" I asked.

"Just for two more quests that I summoned." Glimmer stated. I raised a brow. "Two guests? Who?" I asked. "You'll see once they get here." Bow said. However, both he and Glimmer were smiling widely, seemingly trying not to squeal with excitement. I looked to Adora, and she only smiled innocently and shrugged. I chuckled. I'm really curious of what they have planned. Melog rubbed against me, and I reached down to pet him.

Finally, the main door opened, and I looked over....seeing Scorpia and Entrapta enter the room. Well, I mean, Entrapta was under Scorpia's arm, and Emily walked beside them.

"Hi guys! I'm sorry if we're late! It was kinda long trip, and pretty distracted along the way. But we're here now. And whatever you need, we're ready to help. Isn't that right, Entrapta?" Scorpia asked the small tech. Entrapta nodded, but her face was locked onto a data pad in her hands.

"Glad you guys could make it. Thank you for coming." Glimmer said.

"Of course. I mean, why wouldn't we? Is it something bad?" Scorpia asked. "No no, it's nothing bad. Don't worry." Adora reassured them. 

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