" Uhm, it's been pointed out to me by my boyfriend that my sexual desires may have increased recently," she mumbled. The doctor didn't react unusually and just nodded. " Are you on any type of birth control Miss Jones?" the doctor asked again.

Skylar nodded. " Yes, I'm on the pill," she replied. " For how long?" she asked again. " I've been using it for two years now under regular checks by my gynecologist," Skylar replied. The doctor nodded again as she was taking some notes.

Once she was done she looked up to Skylar. " Have you ever missed any pills in the last few months?" she asked. Truth be told, she did miss some. Sometimes being Firegirl meant she needed to somewhere far away and since it was not planned, she didn't have time to take her pills with her. " Yes, a few," she replied.

" Alright, this time I'm not sure it's the allergies but maybe a side effect of missing a few days on your pills. As you might know, the known side effects of the pills are that they can make you dizzy and cause you to throw up. Have you experienced any other known side effects of the pills recently?" 

Skylar took a moment to think. Her breasts were a bit tender than they usually were but she connected it to having more sex than usual so her body was on alert. There were the swellness and fatigue but it was not a new thing, it was the side effect of the training and the fighting.

" I don't know, I guess the usual," she replied. The doctor nodded again. " Alright, I'll ask for a blood test, we'll see what's really happening. My office will give you a call once we have the results," she said. Skylar nodded. " Alright, thank you Dr.Smith," she said as she got up. " My pleasure Miss Jones, take care," 

As she walked out of the office and then the building she hoped her stomach wouldn't act up again tonight at the launch party. It was fairly an important event for both Bruce and Wayne Enterprises and she didn't want to hurt it by anyway.

Normally interns weren't allowed to go to these high profile launch parties. There'd be press, high executives, buyers, and experts on the field. Bruce would give an opening speech and shortly introduce the product. Then there'd be a demonstration. After the whole show, Bruce's job was to chat with the possible buyers and make good press. There was no need for interns or someone who worked at a lower position but since she was Bruce's girlfriend she went to these events.

It was weird, yes, since they agreed to not tell the people Skylar worked with that she was dating 'the boss' but there was no way they could know since they weren't there. And Skylar usually wasn't in the photos since only Bruce and the board were there along with the scientists who worked there, so it wasn't a huge problem.

Although sometimes the media took some pictures of Bruce and Skylar together and published it but so far no one recognized Skylar. Most of the people she worked with, luckily, didn't care about who the boss dated. 

Skylar was now home and getting ready for the party. She was going to wear a simple black dress she bought a few months back and going to do her hair up, it went with the style of the dress. Then she'd put on some make-up and she'd be ready. 

As she was spraying some perfume in Bruce walked in with his tuxedo on. He had his tie on his hands. " Okay, I need your help on a few things," he said. Skylar chuckled and walked toward him. She grabbed his tie and started to tie it around his neck. 

" I honestly don't know how you managed these things before me," she said. He smirked. " I had Alfred," he replied. She giggled, " Are you really telling me, you, Bruce Wayne, don't know how to do your tie?" 

Bruce kept on smirking. " I do, but it's better when you do it," he replied. She upped her right eyebrow. " Is that so?" she said. " Mhm," he whispered and his hands were on her body," Because then I get to do this afterward," he continued as she was done with it and leaned down, kissing her.

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