Chapter 1: One Stormy Night

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"Dinnertime!" Frankie yelled from the hallways of Foster's.

Bloo immediately rushed to the dining room without hesitation. "I can't wait to see what's for dinner tonight!"

All the imaginary friends were finally well seated. 

"Bring on the main course, Frankie!" Bloo exclaimed.

Frankie revealed the dish tonight and it was...

"Fruit salad? Really Frankie?" Bloo said in disappointment.

Frankie ignored Bloo and continued, "Everyone, enjoy your dinner."

All the imaginary friends except Bloo seemed content and enjoyed their salad.

Wilt saw how Bloo was not having any of the salad while crossing his arms. That had him concerned.

After dinner, Wilt kindly asked him, "Why did you skip dinner?"

Bloo replied, "Oh, that? I'm not having any of this basic stuff. Why can't we have more luxurious meals? I mean, it's not like Foster's is running out of money or anything."

Wilt replied, "I think you should appreciate what you get. Not everyone in the world is lucky to have sufficient food for living. You should be grateful." 

Frankie was walking along the hallway and overheard what Wilt and Bloo were saying. She joined in their conversation and added, "Wilt is right. You should appreciate that you get 3 meals a day, Bloo. Just remember, I also have tons of work to do in the house. I don't have all the time to think of what to cook." 

Bloo was still unhappy and told Frankie, "Excuses, excuses. I've seen you slacking off from time to time while eating a bag of chips. You've got more than enough time to think of better recipes than an ordinary fruit salad."

Frankie was angry after what Bloo said and shouted, "If you're not satisfied with what I cook, then you'll do the cooking! Hmph!" 

Frankie stormed off into the distance and continued her working duties.

Wilt said, "I'm sorry Bloo, but that was very rude of you. Frankie has to take care of the entire house from top to bottom 24/7. She needs her breathing room too! You can't blame her for taking a break every once in a while."

Bloo rolled his eyes and replied, "You're siding with her too? I was just giving good advise to her so that we can have improvised meals in the future. I meant that with good intentions. I guess you're not a good friend of mine."

"Bloo, hear me out!"

Before Wilt could say anything else, Bloo already went back to his room. Wilt sighed.

"Hola Wilt. Jumping rope with me and Coco in the yard?" 

Eduardo was seen holding a jumping rope and Coco was making her usual "Coco" noises, showing her excitement.

Wilt thought for a second or two, and nodded.


The three imaginary friends went to the yard and were having a blast. Meanwhile, Bloo was all alone in the room, wondering about something.

Bloo said to himself while walking in circles, "What did Frankie do right and I did wrong to get Wilt to be on her side? I don't get it!"

Bloo heard some noises coming from the window, so he took a peek and saw his three roommates playing together in happiness. 

"I can't believe they went to the yard and play jumping rope together without me! Did they leave me out of the loop on purpose?" Bloo pouted.

Bloo took out his paddle ball and said, "Luckily, I have my paddle ball by my side no matter what."

Bloo played around with his paddle ball for a little bit and as usual, he failed miserably.

Suddenly, the clouds above became darker and darker, and soon it started raining heavily.

"Uh oh, it's raining." Eduardo said.

"Cocococo." Coco replied.

"That's a good idea, Coco! Let's go back!" Wilt replied.

Bloo was staring at the window. Seeing how the three roommates had to run back to the house, he grinned.

"That's what you get for leaving me all alone while playing your stupid game." Bloo taunted. 

2 hours had passed, and there were still no signs of Wilt, Eduardo and Coco. Bloo was bored out of his mind by then. He kept on thinking, "Where can they be at this moment?" 

Few minutes later, Wilt, Eduardo and Coco all came back to the room while chatting happily on their way.

"Took you three long enough. Seriously, where did you go when it was raining outside?" Bloo asked.

"We were helping Frankie with the chores, Azul." Eduardo replied.

Wilt told Bloo, "What Eduardo said. We're sorry for leaving you alone here. I thought you needed some time to calm down after what happened with you and Frankie." 


"Senor Wilt, I am happy to have you as a friend. In fact, everyone is happy when you're around!" Eduardo complimented.

"Thanks. I'm flattered."


Within these next couple of minutes, all Bloo had heard was compliment after compliment about how Wilt is the greatest imaginary friend ever in Foster's, and that drove Bloo crazy. He was on the edge to shout at them in order to shut them up, but he didn't.

It was finally bedtime. Bloo had been waiting for this moment for far too long, which is rare considering he normally doesn't want the day to end so quickly.

"Good night everyone." Frankie switched off the lights and closed the door gently.

All the imaginary friends were asleep, except Bloo. Bloo was staring at the window once again, but for a different reason.

He looked at the dark sky and thought of all the things that have happened since dinnertime. 

"The most wonderful imaginary friend in Foster's? Yeah, right. Wilt solely did all those good deeds to make others feel good about him, hence the popularity he got."

It was still raining outside, and there's no signs of it stopping. 

"It's not fair. Wilt totally stole my thunder! I wish I can be Wilt so that I can be appreciated more!"

A thunderstorm came out of nowhere and strokes of lightning appear right in front of Bloo's eyes. A loud thunderous sound is heard and Bloo jumped a little and immediately covered himself with a blanket while his eyes were still open. 

After a while, Bloo couldn't keep his eyes opened anymore. All the events that occurred today tuckered him out, and he finally fell asleep along with the rest of the imaginary friends in Foster's.  


(That's the end of the first chapter. Wow, I didn't expect to actually write a full chapter from start to finish this fast. The reason I made a fanfic about FHFIF is because I binged watched this series again recently and felt like writing some fan-made stories about it. Feedback is appreciated since I do think my fanfic needs improvement.)

(More chapters coming soon, hopefully)

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