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It was 8:59 on the 28th of May, 2020. I was in the middle on my nightly Wattpad readathon,and nothing could've prepared me for what happened next. I found such a good story, I was ready to extract it's goodness and carve its heart out of the words, when then most sharp stinging agonising pain tore through my insides, ripping apart my uterus and intestines alike, it felt like needles were being rummaged through me, it felt like a knife had cut me open and my raw flesh had been sprayed with dry ice. I ran, I bolted, I trampled to the toilet, barely removing all my clothing before another wave of this agonising wrath destroyed me. I sat there, in my naked glory, crying, sweating, wailing in pain for minutes on end, it felt like hours, years, centuries.
Finally, the biggest, most absolutely solid, seven foot turd ripped through my anal track, busting open all my hemmoriods on its way, and then it finally came flying out of my ass. It hit the surface with such force water flew back up to cleanse my absolutely demolished insides. I cried out in triumph, I cried out as the final wave of pain left my body, I cried out as I left the bathroom as the ache in my ass throbbed through to my soul. But then, as I entered the room yet again, God cursed me with the sins of all the demons in hell, with all the wrong doings of human kind, with the wrath of the universe.
It had returned, my insides had been healed and were now set alight once again. My tear stained cheeks again ran like the rivers of the Nile and I collapsed on the ground as I waited for the pain to end. A minute longer and I could no longer take it, I crawled my passage back to the toilet like the pathetic damsel I was. The sounds that came out of my rectum were a force to be reckoned with. For moments I was absolutely deafened as the decibels bounced off the prison surrounding me. All this pain, all this pain for what? Nothing, my ass was clean, my insides as dry and quenched as hell. For I had been cursed, I had been cursed by the Creator of this world for my sins, I had been cursed and I suffered in agony for all I had done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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