Chapter 17: Great... Anoyannces

Start from the beginning

Ms Armstrong isn't herself lately. Most of the time now we're dispersed into different classes or get supply teaches as Ms Armstrong isn't here.

Jane: No Ms Armstrong. Of course not

Armstrong: Don't lie Jane. I heard you talk during the lesson...

Jane: Fine. I was talking, but how is that bothering?

She is now looking at me. I pinch my nose together then let go to speak to Ms Armstrong.

Cameron: Ms, I'm not trying to be a bully, but wouldn't you find this voice annoying?

I pinch my nose together again and squeak my voice a bit to make it pitch. I then say...

Cameron's imitation of Jane: Insult much. I'm not a man, I'm a young women adult.

Cameron's regular voice: Okay girl

Imitation: Huff-

Armstrong: Please stop Cameron

Cameron: Yes Ms Armstrong

So now Jane is sentenced to quietness as of all of us. Shane smirks at me whenever I see his face. I usually roll my eyes, but I smirked this time.


I can't work. This is terrible. I need to tell Renée... No! I HAVE to tell Renée. But how? When? Then what'll happen? These annoying questions keep playing in my head like a radio... Its so ANNOYING!!!

Ms Armstrong is now bringing us up outside for DPA for the last hour of school. "Check this out!" Bob called out to us when he ran across the field of the AstroTurf. "Ew! Gross! What is that?" Tina asked disgusted. "I think it's a dead baby bird or something like that" Edward replied. "Ick... Don't touch it!" I yelled at Leonardo. "Dude. Chill out. Its dead", "So? What if it's mom is a hawk and comes down and kills you right now?"

I think that seemed annoying... Oh well, who cares? Dude is freaking annoying too!

"Have you actually seen a hawk fly around the school bro?", "Yes.", "Oh... Then Mike will just move it then, with his glove..."

Mike looks at Leo with a stranged look. He then shrugs, takes out his glove picks it up and carefully carries the bird away. So now we're having a soccer game! Alright!

The girls are sitting on the rocks watching us play. Man! When is Renée coming? We need her to play with us!


Get your head in the game. Play to win, not to be a floppy fin... Stupid rhyme! Anyways so it's middle of the game, we all running around doing our best and such. "Pass it here Felipe!", "Coming right at ya!" He passes the ball over to me. Cameron covers me and tries to steal the ball...

"Who's open!?", "Yo Shane! Over here!" I turn to see Edward perfectly open. Passing. We ain't winning trust me, we're like 3points behind! "Shoot Ed! Shoot!" I scream at him. That was not a bad kick... Too bad he didn't score... "Ow!", "Sorry! Are you alright?", "Who is this? Cameron!?", "Man I am way beyond sorry... Tripped, had to grab something or someone.", "Chill out. Its cool, for now anyways. We cool?"

"Wow, since when were you were so nice?", "Since we were frienimes. We chilled?", "We chilled" Might as well give dude a chance. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. Most of the time. So Romero and I are chilled, stays in between boundaries of the frenimes zone. We'll try to be friends, but! Hey, what happens to Renée and one of us, then we'll chill as friends. I want to anyways.

"What was that!?", "What?", "You missed that pass! I called your name like 3 times bro!", "Sorry, sorry...", "Come on dude...", "Yeah" So now Reggie and I are chasing after Mike who has the ball...

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