💔 I will see you again 💔

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Au - Modern (it's Corona time)

Pairing - Bakugou Katsuki from Bnha


(3rd person POV)

You were packing your stuff in you dorm room due to the fucking Corona Virus. Everyone was either waiting for their parents or packing their dorms. We were all saying our last goodbyes and most of us crying because we weren't going to be seeing each other for awhile.


You walked over to Katsuki's dorm that was right next to yours. As you were walking to his dorm room a sense of sadness rushes to you.

(M/n's POV)

I knock on the door to hear Katsuki's voice. "Who the fuck is it?" I took a breath in and said in a soft voice. "It's me." I heard shuffling and Katsuki's opens the door and I could instantly tell he was crying before. His eyes are puffy and his nose is red.

He opens the door more to let me in and I walk inside and leaned against the wall. He shuts the door and sits on the bed. I panic as I see tears rolling off his cheeks. "Hey hey Katsuki please don't cry." I got on my knees and cup his chubby cheeks.

"How the fuck do you expect me not to cry when I know I'm not gonna see you for a long time and I see you every single day?!" He said this in angry voice, but I know he is just as sad as me. "That's true, but don't think about it right now I just wanna enjoy these last few moments with you." He tightly hugs me and I hug him back just as tight.

"You know you are gonna see again." I said trying to hold back my tears. He pulls away from the hug and yells. "This virus ain't gonna die. I wanted to make jokes so I wouldn't burst out crying. "We finna kill this bitch." I said and he was chuckling a bit too.

I see Katsuki check his phone and he suddenly gets sad again. I look over to see his phone and Mitsuki texted him that she's here to pick him up. I look over to him and kiss him all over his face and say softly. "I love you so so much."

I help him grab some of his boxes to take to his mom's car.


As we grab the last boxes the bakusquad walked over to Katsuki and say their goodbyes they were all crying and hugging him. I could tell he was trying to hold back tears as he doesn't push them away. We put the boxes in her car and I look at Katsuki. We hugged and at that point I didn't let go of him I couldn't and I didn't want to.

We let go and we both didn't know how to do a closure. "Stop looking at me I'll cry." He says angrily with sadness in his voice. "Oh I have something for you." I said realizing about my care package for him. "Here." I said giving him the box. "But don't open it till you get home." He said in a small quiet voice. "Ok."

He got in the car and I was starting to tear up I didn't want to cry knowing it would make him more sad. As the car drove away the bakusquad came to me and hugged me I hugged them back.

I was in a FaceTime with Katsuki he was still crying and said with sadness. "I miss you so much, I hate it here, I wanna be with you M/n." His voice was cracking and he was sniffling. "I miss you too." We kept talking until he had to go.

(Katsuki's POV)

I wanted to keep talking, but I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry which is so unlike me, but I want M/n's touch. I still had to unpack all the boxes.


As soon as I was done I was planning to plop on the bed and sleep, but see the box M/n gave me. I sat on my bed and put it in my lap and open the box it was filled with pictures of us just being happy together, love letters decorated with drawings of hearts, my favorite snacks, drawings, a couple of video games that we used to play together, and at the bottom of the box was M/n's favorite hoodie.

I tear up and blush. "Goddammit I thought I was done crying." I said as my voice is breaking. I put on the hoodie and started to read the love letters eating some snacks and once I was done reading them I started to play the video games and listen to a Playlist of our favorite songs. The pictures, drawings, and love letters are pinned on my wall.

I look at my phone to see the time and it was 2 am. I texted M/n if he can face time because I know he can't sleep without me. He texted me back saying yes. As we get on FaceTime I see him with an ukulele (if you can't play it just pretend you can). I asked, "What you about to do?"He said in a sweet loving tone. "Shh just let me sing to you while you sleep."

I chuckle and hmmed wanting to hear him sing to me since I was really tired and hearing his voice makes me so happy.


(M/n's POV)

I finished singing as I see him sleeping and I smile hearing his soft snores and said, "Jeez Katsuki I love you so much I'm glad we are together." I see him start to smile in his sleep. I will try to keep him happy during these tough times because I know that he is sad. I just wanted to cuddle him so I could his body next to mine, but I know I wouldn't get that for awhile. I put my ukulele down and I lay down and use his soft snoring to put me to sleep.


I don't have friends who miss me during quarantine so I made because it was an idea in my head and for you people who have friends or relationships. I will make a part 2 when the world goes how it was before this dumbass virus which probably ain't gonna happen soon anyway bye fuckers.

Words: 1070

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