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Would just like to that solarsaga for literally giving like 90% of the flashback idea. All credit goes to that amazing dude.

Finneas: So Y/n tell me again, what was your inspiration for this song again?

He asks as I get ready to sing into the microphone to record some vocals. We didn't have any special vocal booth, just a simple microphone, a decent distance away from the laptop.

I blank out as I remember the exact moment that brought the emotion up.


It was a foggy afternoon when I woke up with fresh streaks on my face. The dreams I had of her lingering a bit before fading away.

I really didn’t feel like doing much today. My heart amplified the heaviness I felt.
I would've dropped everything then and there but she came into the room.

Billie: Hey Y/n! Come downstairs we’re all hanging out.

I responded with a non convincing smile.

Y/n: I’m coming.

The monotonous sound might've given everything away.

I've been feeling like this for a while, I didn't even realize how much my feelings began to bleed through into my daily life activities.

Everyday was the same outfit at this point, just different shades of grays and black hoodies and pyjamas.

I dragged my feet downstairs and sat down on the empty couch in the living room, listening to the music blasting and watched everyone chat.

I'd speak now and then, avoiding eye contact until I felt someone sit next to me and lean on my shoulder.

Billie: Hey, is everything okay?

She stroked my cheek in a flirtatious manner.

I tried to speak... only getting as far as "I-I".

I shake my head, sigh and walk back upstairs. "Take me to the roof top" played downstairs as everyone shot glances at each other.

I heard footsteps walking up the stairs, accompanied by the sounds of metals knocking together. Of course, Billie came upstairs to find me on the bed sobbing.

Billie: Oh Y/n... are you still not over it? You know I-

Y/n: No. No you don’t.

Billie: I do.

I stood up, eyes puffy and red, tears streaming down my face.

Y/n; I stared into your eyes like they held the stars within them. Held you close like if I let go I’d die. Kissed you like I wanted to give you my breath. Listened to you like the gospel, but to you I wasn’t.

Billie stood there, her ocean eyes begining to water.

Y/n: I wasn’t captivating or daring like Q was, but I loved you. Seems like the more the days pass the more you don’t.

I stood up from bed, walked towards her, grabbed her hips and looked her in the eye.

Y/n: Please, I don’t want to...

Billie: Want to what Y/n?

Billie had a lot of care in her voice.

Y/n: Nevermind. I w- just leave me alone.

Billie: How could you not have moved on yet?

She walked back downstairs and I could hear light sniffles as she left.


Y/n: Long story, Finn.

Finneas: Ahh say no more.

I put on some headphones and got into a comfortable position. I look towards Jessica and Ryan who were chatting away and signal to them that I would be singing now.

They both understood and kept quiet.

I inhale and started singing, hitting the notes well for my first take but during my recording, screams were heard in the distance.

I just sigh heavily, and signal Finneas tp restart the song.

I try and sing again, but before I can even start more screams are heard. I put my headphones around my neck, anger can be seen in my eyes.

Y/n: For fuck's sake Finn, what the fuck are the neighbours doing?! Why did you choose a place this noisy?

Finneas: They normally aren't this loud, like at all.

Y/n: I swear, if I hear them shouting aga-

Right on queue, more screams were heard.

I get up aggressively, almost knocking over the microphone, and stomp towards the window near Ryan and Jessica.

I look through the window and couldn't believe what I saw...


I mean it's obvious what you saw but yeah... man's been feeling a bit unmotivated but again, thanks to solarsaga, I got a chapter done

Billie Eilish x Male! Reader (Producer) [Zombie Apocalypse]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon