Part Eight

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*Two year time skip*
Jughead and Betty have been dating for two years now, living the happiest two years in their life.
Their shared dorm made things just easier for them. Meanwhile Cheryl and Veronica kept dating as well.
Betty met Jughead's family and he met hers, they were both welcome nicely, which made them even happier.
Archie and Josie eventually got engaged (I don't think anyone cares about them but just so u know).
Today, Betty, Veronica and Cheryl are in room 254- Veronica and Cheryls room.
Betty is afraid of something, that could affect her future life drastically...

„I'm scared.." I say quietly.
V slightly strokes my arm. „Don't be, B.." She says. „It'll be fine."
„Even if it's not what you expect, he will understand." Says Cheryl, and sadly smiles at me.
I take a deep breath. „Can you do it?" I ask V.
„Of course." She says quietly, and I close my eyes.
With my eyes closed, all I can do is hope, that it is not what I think.
I suddenly hear Cheryl gasping. „Oh, my god.." She whispers.
I slowly open my eyes. „What?" I say and look at the test in Veronicas hand.
I take it from her and look at it closer. I can see two blue stripes on the plastic sticks and my eyes start tearing up.
Veronica immediately wraps her arms around me and I start sobbing in her shoulder.
„It can't be.." I cry.
„I think it can.." Says Cheryl from behind me.
„Everything will be fine, B.." V whispers while stroking my hair.
„B-But what if he doesn't want it?" I sob.
„Did you never talk about having kids?" V asks.
„No.." I whisper. I suddenly pull away from the hug and wipe my tears.
„Well," I say. „I have to get through it."
Veronica looks at me with concern in her dark eyes. „When do you want to tell him?" She asks.
„I don't know." I say. „But as soon as possible."

I leave their dorm five minutes later. I can feel the pregnancy test burning through my purse as I walk down the hallway, willing to reach mine and Jug's dorm.
I am just about to enter, as I hear a males voice talking. „Nah, it's too early for kids." he says.
I can't tell, if it's Jug or Archie talking, but I can't risk it. I instantly start walking away from my boyfriend.

*a few minutes earlier*
(On a call with Archie)
So, tell me. How did you propose?
Oh, well, it was last weekend. I took Josie out on a date, we went eat at that expensive restaurant, she always dreamed of. Well, I proposed to her while waiting for our food. In public, she always told me, she would want people to be part of her luck. Well, she luckily said yes and people started clapping as I kissed her. It was perfect, man.
That sounds romantic, Arch.
What about you and Coop? You doing good?
Totally, I love her so much. We are so happy together, I can't imagine loving someone more than I love her at the moment.
Awww, and there goes my best friends heart. Melted by the power of lovveeeee. (Chuckles)
(Chuckle) Shut up, Andrews. So, you planning on starting a family with Josie?
Nah, it's too early for kids.
I mean, of course I want to eventually, but not at the moment. You know, we just got back from our tour. We don't want to hurry things and I'm only twenty one- don't forget! What about you? Thinking about taking steps further in eternity?
I don't know, if Betts is ready for something like that. I mean, if she would come around, telling me she's pregnant, I'd be happy, but I'm not directly planning anything right now.
I think, you two should get married, too. It's like finally being able to claim the love of your life, it's fantastic.
(Btw please don't mind the guys talking so romantically, but that is the only part of their friendship, that's important for the storyline.)
Mhm, I'll think about it, dude. But for now, I gotta hang up. Betty was supposed to be here, I'm gonna go look for her.
Okay, see you.

I end the call and slide the phone in the back pocket of my jeans as I leave the dorm.
I figured, Betty is probably still at Veronica and Cheryls dorm, so I start walking down the hallway.

*a few minutes earlier*
„Betty, what the hell happened?" I ask concerned.
„I-I was about to enter our dorm, as I heard someone, I think it was Jug, saying „It's too early for kids."" She says, holding back her tears.
„Oh, shoot, girl.." I say quietly and stroke her back.
"What am I gonna do?" Betty sighs, looking up so her tears don't escape.
"I-" I start, but I get interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
"Not now!" I yell.
"Veronica?" Asks Jughead's voice. "Do you know where Betts is?"
I look at B and she shakes her head.
"Wait a minute," I say and stand up.
I open the door and leave the dorm, without leaving a gap for Jughead to look inside.
"Where is she?" He asks.
"She will be back soon." I say.
Jughead frowns at me and I sigh. "Jughead." I say. "Did you just talk with Archie on the phone?"
"I did, in fact." He says slowly. "How do you know?"
I ignore his question and continue. "And did you talk about having kids?"
A deep crease appears between Jughead's eyebrows. "Yes," He says. "I asked Archie if he is planning on having kids with Josie soon, considering he proposed to her last weekend, and he said, it's too soon for kids.."
I relax a little. "Good," I say. "Now, my curiosity is kicking, what do you think about that? Would you want a kid now?"
"I'm not planning to, but I'd be okay with it, I guess." He says.
I try not to smile widely as I patter his shoulder.
"Good," I say. "Betty will be in your dorm soon. We just have some girls talk to finish."
With these words I enter the dorm and leave Jughead in the hallway.
I walk toward Betty and sit down again.
"Don't worry girl," I say and Betty looks at me. "It was Archie talking. Jughead is fine with having a child."
Betty starts smiling and wipes her tears away.
"What did you say?" She asks me.
"I said, you'll be back soon," I say. "And I didn't say anything about the pregnancy, don't worry."
"Then I guess, I have to tell him now.." Says Betty.

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