Melody Mari (My OC)

317 4 8

1: She gets depressed, keep her happy.

{AU Note}
This will be a long one. So get your popcorn, (not me) and start reading

2: Don't let her be around Sully for too long (reasons at bottom of story)

3: She likes to sing. Let her sing in front of the other 'pastas.

4: She doesn't take criticism very well. that's why she yelled at her dad and never saw him again.

5: She can be around most of the other pastas', such as Liu, Jane, Sally, and so on.

6: Don't ask her who's she's crushing on.


It's Liu


I'm joking!...It's EJ

This is why I can't tell you anything..
*Annoyed sigh.* Can't you two go 5 minutes without fighting?!


Get out.

7: Bloody Painter often inspires her and is a role-model to her. Let her be around him.

8: She had anxiety and gets anxious very easily.

9: She wears glasses

10: Don't make fun of her wolf ears. She watches a little too much Yandere Simulator.

(Yan Dev if you're reading this hi!!!)

11: She might just be able to copy your voice... Just maybe... Okay she can copy your voice

12: She WILL NOT make you a sandwich. Toby asked and he got a Knuckle Sandwich and Fruit Punch!

13: If you make her wear pink, a dress of both, you will die.

Reasons to not be around Sully:
1. He often picks on her

2. She hates him

3: He's a little rude to her

4 When he's out, Liu might not be there.

5. Sully steals her stuff sometimes. (Whispers) Kleptomaniac...


Awh shi-

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