"Maybe even kicked Alvar on his sorry arse for deserting you." he muttered with a hollow laugh as he pulled up a focused on pulling up a few flowers for a special someone.


His silver blue eyes flickered around nervously as he scrambled to think of a response. Anything that was not--

"Tam, you know you can trust me to not breakdown or go ballistic at the sight of his name......."

Upon hearing his that, he seemed to deflate slightly as he set down the few teal flowers he had picked.

"I guess I just......know how hard it must be for you.....I mean--"

Biana flopped backwards and looked up as she pondered his words, before looking at him solemnly, only to be met with a scorchingly vulnerable gaze.

But then, as soon as it started, the moment ended and Tam started chuckling slowly.

"Look at both of us, me making you mope further, when the real reason I came was to cheer you up..."

Biana felt a mischievous smile spread slowly across her face as a new idea struck her.

"Are you up to staying for a while..?"

Tam looked at her questioningly as she went and messaged Linh (who had conveniently noticed that it was only those 2 who went missing and was busy scheming on double date ideas) and  Fitz (who was far too busy on a prank spree either way with Dex), before putting it away and hauling Tam to his feet.

"I think we can remedy that. "



"No you don't!" Biana replied gleefully as she pulled Tam down on to the carpeted floor in a clearing near another family's wandering plot, where they both laughed giddily as they smiled at each other (before Tam looked away, blushing red like a fire truck).

"Where did you even learn to play that game?"

Biana looked up to the sky with a slightly fading smile.

"My brothers........... Alvar taught it to both of us...... "

Biana suddenly choked up as she looked towards the cotton balls moving leisurely overhead , overtaken with unwanted memories of bygone days where it was just the three of them, with no other cares in the world.

Chin up, she told herself.

He wasn't even that close, she convinced herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly with her breath being cut off from a comforting bear hug behind her, where she collapsed, sobbing into Tam's arms as the soothing sound of his soft voice murmuring secrets gave her solace.


Tam should have seen it coming.

After all, he had gone through it also when he was first banished.

Maybe that's why he had shadow flux. After all, anger that ran so deep in his system could only lead to producing such disastrous effects.

And Biana.....

She had not broken down even once, unlike Sophie after Vespera tried to shatter her .

She hadn't shed more than a few tears, unlike Fitz who who was ready to commit murder after it was revealed that her brother was part of the Neverseen.

Never once in the past 5 years did she cry any more than one tear at the most as she went soldering on, even after her family practically dissolved and legacy fell apart.

Whisper, Slowly: A series of KOTLC OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now