18 - Aftermath Part I

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"Yeah," she nodded, pausing after eating one strip. Her gaze fell, "Is... how are Tyranitar and Pidgeot? Lanturn and Espeon, too? They... they've been with Arcanine the longest. They knew him as a Growlithe, and... and..."

"They're... um, going to be okay. They're definitely upset, but... they're keeping strong and keeping everyone in line, too. It... I... Here... I wasn't sure if I should yet, but..." he began, rummaging through his jacket pocket to bring out a leather collar with a piece of charcoal embedded in it. "They almost threw it away, not knowing what it was. I made sure to grab it."

Any tears she'd held back before came rushing full force and poured out as she sobbed, taking the collar and pulling it close to her chest. He stood up and embraced her at once, letting her cry as much as she wanted into his chest. He couldn't even imagine what it was like to lose something so dear as your first Pokémon. He didn't know what he'd do if he ever lost Charizard. It might break him. Then again, seeing her crying had already done that. Worse still, he couldn't prevent it. He hadn't been fast enough—strong enough. He couldn't protect her or Arcanine, and she'd been hurt because of it; in a way so deep he wasn't sure how to help her beyond holding her and not letting go. He was too weak to do anything else to help the woman he loved.

"Sorry—I just... he..." she choked, crying less now.

He shook his head, rubbing her arm, "It's fine. Don't apologize. He was your first Pokémon. He's had your back for so long... and he protected you until the end."

"I know... Arceus... I miss him so much already. I don't even know what I'm going to do without him."

"You'll figure it out, and I'll help you however I can... but for now rest, okay? Eat up. I'll be here as long as I'm able."

She looked to him, wiping a fresh tear, "You have to leave?"

"I... Yeah. Unfortunately. Now that you're up I really don't want to. I'd rather to stay here with you until you can be discharged, but... I'm part of the relief efforts and reconstruction. And, well, the region is always a little more at ease seeing my face—especially when Gloria and I work together. Mostly I just make speeches to encourage everyone and go around visiting people to help where I can. I try to do heavy lifting, but I've also been speaking with the League about getting resources here. We've not interacted with other Leagues in so long, and, well, I was Champion for a decade, so I'm a good representative. But I can cut back to stay here. I can make a call real quick and let them know what's going on. I can stay as long as you—."

"No, you need to go," she replied tiredly, and although she was right, he hated her agreeing. He wished she told him to stay. Her smile both warmed him and struck him like a blow. "You're right. Galar needs its champion—even a former one. You were always a symbol of hope, so it's good you're out there. I'll do what I can to help, too, once I get out. I'm sure Lance and Alder want to talk to me."

"Oh, they do," Leon chuckled. "It almost makes me jealous."

"Well, Lance was my first crush," she mused with a sniff, and laughed at the face he made. "When I was a teenager. Calm down. You're the only I love now."

"Good, otherwise I'd have a problem with Indigo League right now. Might have to come over and show them what a real Champion can do."

"That would be epic... but you'd have to leave all but Charizard behind. The rest of your team isn't Indigo League sanctioned."

"Eh, Charizard can handle them all. Although, really, I'm just glad to get a laugh out of you right now," he chuckled, sitting down on the bed so he could embrace her better. She leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder. He kissed her forehead, "But go ahead and cry when you want. I'm here for you."

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu