The Light at the End of a Tunnel, Part 1

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Poe's POV:

When we got back to the ship, I wasn't too concerned with Ben not being there. Who knows, he still could have been looking for his crystal, or still putting it together. I knew that Rey was worried, but I thought it was more out of guilt from their fight earlier that day. 

Now, that fight was rather awkward, for all of us. Don't get me wrong, I completely saw Ben's view. Finn, who, even though in a relationship with myself, unknowingly came off protective and a bit flirty at times. Did I get that it was his personality? Yes. Is it sometimes a little confusing and upsetting? Also yes. 

Ben had a point, the whole Finn always being obsessed with Rey thing. We agreed at the start of our relationship that we would just be upfront and honest with our feelings, and so I asked him about it. 

He then explained how Rey was his best friend, the first friend that he had made, besides myself,   after escaping the clutches of the First Order. I felt kind of guilty about it, but also relieved. I was assured with a comforting smile that I was the only one he loved. 

If I am being honest, I was surprised he hadn't told Rey yet. I'm all for making our relationship public, but he is still a little scared, he doesn't want to lose any of his friends that he had made. I, of course, respect that. We all come to terms with our things on our own time, I didn't want to pressure or rush him in any way. 

After telling Rey that Ben is probably fine, I made my way back to my bunk, barely having enough energy to return BB-8's greetings. I laid down on my bunk, my body sinking into the mattress. I drifted off into a blissful, dreamless sleep. 

"Poe," a voice called, albeit muddled, I was still mostly asleep. 

"Poe!" It called again, sharper this time, pulling me unwillingly out of my sleep. 

"Poe! Wake up!" 

I was able to identify the voice this time, it was Rey. 

"Go away," I said, half-heartedly waving a hand in the general direction her voice was calling from. 

"Poe! Now! Please!" Rey said. 

Even in my sleepy state, I was able to detect the sheer urgency and panic in her voice. I rolled over on my side and rubbed my eyes, trying in vain to wipe away the grogginess. Sighing, I opened my eyes and immediately sat up in concern, which resulted in hitting my head on the bunk over me. 

Rey's face was completely covered in tears, a constant stream flowing out of her eyes. 

"Ben's not back," she started, sucking a deep breath in. "And I tried to contact him through the Force and he resisted me and-" 

"Hold on," I said, my brain still trying to wrap around the words flying from her mouth.  "Okay, so he's still not back, and you what?"

"I tried to contact him through the Force," she repeated, her hands swiping at her eyes. "And he resisted me. He resisted me! This is all my fault, Poe, this is all my fault, I-" 

"Slow down, Rey, hey," I said, grabbing her shoulders. "It's going to be okay. Calm down. Breathe." 

She sat there for a minute, tears still flowing, but the sobs were no longer racking her body. 

"Okay," I said, not entirely sure what I was going to say next. "It's going to be okay. We're going to find him. Where's Finn?" 

"He was out talking with Chewie, about where Ben could be." Rey said, her voice wobbling slightly.  

I had never seen Rey this messed up. She cried sometimes, yes, but never like this. It scared me a little, honestly.  

"Give me five minutes, and we can head out," I said, trying my best to be reassuring. 

Nodding in response, she got up and walked out of my room. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I mean, I know that Ben can take care of himself and all, but it wasn't like him at all to resist anything from Rey. 

I wonder if he is still upset about their argument from earlier. I wouldn't think he would still be upset, i don't think he's the type to hold any grudges. Actually, he probably thought that Rey needed her space, and that is why he didn't answer. He thought she would want to be alone, which was understandable. After all, that was what she literally told him. 

I threw on a jacket and grabbed a small package of food that was sitting near my bag. Upon coming out of my room, I saw Finn rubbing Rey's shoulders gently, and Rey looking very fragile. Both of them shot up out of the seat when I came out. 

"You ready?" Finn asked, looking at both Rey and myself. 

"Let's go," I said, and everyone followed me out. 

Ben's POV

Stirring, I was abruptly woken up when I hit my head on something. My eyes fluttering open, my hand went to my face, and I took in my surroundings.  I sat in a blissful silence for around ten seconds, until all of the memories of the past day came back. Rey. How long had I been in here? Were they worried about me? Did she miss me as much as I missed her? 

I ran my hand through my hair. I just wanted to apologize to her. My selfish, foolish bursts of anger had ruined so many things for me, and I was not going to let it ruin the only good thing I have left. Reaching for my new saber by my side, I stood up, igniting it. I stood there for a bit, considering my predicament. 

I closed my eyes, and reached out with the Force, searching for life outside of the cave. If I could feel the others presence, I could use them as sort of a beacon to follow out of the cave. I could apologize to Rey. With a new burst of energy, I started forward, feeling the overwhelmingly strong presence of Rey in the Force. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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