New Ideas

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Rey's POV:
Exhaling sharply, I untangled my limbs from the blankets on my bed, eventually resorting to throwing it off the bed. Running my hands through my hair, I noticed a thin sheen of cold sweat on my forehead. 

"It's just a nightmare," I whispered to myself, my voice sounding out of breath. "He is still alive." 

Trying to bring my breathing and heartbeat back to a normal pace, I sat there for a few minutes, just focusing on my breathing. Still feeling hot, I went over to the kitchen and flicked on the light, in search for a clean cup. 

Finding one, and then filling it with water, I sat down on the counter, both hands wrapped around the cup. My eyes wandered around the room, bored, until they fell upon Luke's and Leia's lightsabers, resting on my small table. 

Hopping down, I went over to them, my hand gently tracing the intricate details of Leia's saber, smiling fondly at the memory of her. Memory, I thought. I need to do something for her. For the both of them. 

Placing my cup down and walking back to my bed, I played around with different ideas in my head as I made my way back. Sitting down and placing my chin on one of my hands, I sat there until a decent idea came to me. 

"Tatooine," I thought. 

Where it all had started. My master, who lived there for his childhood. I could bury their lightsabers there. But, that raised the question of what lightsaber Ben and I would have. Thinking back, I recalled something from my readings of the ancient Jedi texts-- a planet, Ilum, where Jedi went as sort of a right of passage to create their own lightsabers. 

"We could stop there on the way! He could come with me!" I thought, mind racing with the thought of a new adventure. 

Laying back down, I tried to quiet my mind once again, to at least try to get a few more hours of sleep. Eventually I drifted off, into dreams of a very promising future. 

My eyes protesting against the sunlight that was now streaming through my window, I sat up, groggily swiping at my eyes. Judging by the slant of the sun, it was at least late morning, and I had probably missed breakfast. 

Ignoring the rumble of my stomach, I hopped out bed, heading towards my small closet that mainly contained the same outfit, but in different colors. Selecting a tan colored outfit for today, I took the few steps necessary to make it to my bathroom, and then set it down on my counter. 

Taking a look at the birds nest that was my hair, I swore lightly under my breath as I ducked down to retrieve my old hairbrush, and then began furiously attacking my mane of tangled hair. 

Once it was sufficiently combed through and untangled, I grabbed a few hair ties, and pulled it back into my signature buns, pulling a few baby hairs down to frame my face. Looking back at my reflection to see how I did, I was pretty satisfied with how it looked. 

After getting changed, brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I was out and on my way to find my friends, eager for them to hear my proposal. 

I found Finn chatting with Rose, holding a spare muffin in his hands. Upon my arrival, he smiled and threw the muffin in my direction. Reflexively, my hand shot up just in time to receive it, a few crumbs falling down from the impact. 

I gave him my thanks before cramming half of it in my mouth, eager to quench the growling in my stomach, and earned a chuckle from both Finn and Rose. 

"Did you get enough sleep?" Finn asked lightly, a sparkle of mischief gleaming in his dark eyes. 

"Actually," I began, but stopped short, remembering my cause for excitement last night. "Not really, but that's not the point," I began again, this time in a rush to get my words out. 

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