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it was two days later and jisung saw him again the past days he's been seeing the same guy he's been crushing on sitting on the grass with a book and then looking around as if he was looking for someone. 

He really wanted to go up to him but he just couldn't gather the courage to do so. "im staying single for life" he grunted and slumped down.


I've come outside everyday ever since I saw him, I need to see him again I have to. I promised myself that if I see him I will go up to him, he has to be mine. 


Haru had left early in the morning because she had a dentist appointment but jisung was still asleep and they didn't wake him. He was currently outside in the front yard shooting his basketball into the net to entertain himself. He wasn't in the mood for technology. 

Meanwhile chenle made his way outside like everyday and today was his lucky day he was beyond happy and excited when he saw jisung outside on his own. He didnt just want to go up and say "hi" 'thats weird I think' 

He wanted to catch attention from him, he seemed like a caring guy so he was willing to put up the risk of embarrassment for a few minutes. 

He took out his phone and pretended he was on a phone call, his anxiety shot up as he passed right by jisung 'here goes nothing' he tripped and fell down. 'wow that hurt' he regretted the choice now his knee was bleeding.

He heard running footsteps coming over, there he is chenle could only stare at the beauty in front of him "are you okay?"  there's the voice

jisung looked at chenle with a worried face, it hurt to see the blood on his knee. "here let me help you" this was the hardest job jisung has ever encountered with he himself was having a hard time breathing of how nervous he was to finally talk to the boy and held onto him to help him.

Chenle took jisung's hand he helped him walk to his house at the front porch "here sit down" jisung helped him sit down on the stairs "I'll bring you a bandaid" 

jisung ran inside his house and brought out a big bandaid and disinfectant spray "this is going to sting" he sprayed the disinfectant onto the cut and placed the bandaid over "thank you jisung" 

chenle wanted to dig a hole and never come out at that moment

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