Chapter One: A Feeling of Foreboding

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     The darkest pits of dread, that was the only way she could describe the gloom swirling in her stomach. The fierce feeling of danger that would make any sane person search for safe cover. She didn't run or hide however, but instead questioned her own sanity as she had many times before. There was no danger, she was safe; yet the growing shadows of terror threatened to consume her. Never before had she felt such darkness, such evil. 

    Jade threw down her textbook, there was no way she could study in her condition. It made her angry. She rarely felt fear. Anyone who knew her would say she wasn't afraid of anything. Jade could count on one hand how many times she'd been afraid. Even as a child she was never afraid of all the things her brothers feared, like monsters or the dark. So why now did she feel such intense fear?

    The feeling had been picking at her all day, like an annoying thorn in the back of her mind. As the hours ticked by the feeling intensified until she locked herself in her dorm room. Her room mate, feeling uneasy around her, said she'd be staying over in a friends room for the night. Jade laughed at herself. It seemed her dark mood and paranoia had driven poor Alyssa off. She would have to apologise later.

    Jade moved off her bed, walking the short distance to their small bathroom. Using the faucet, she splashed cold water on her face. The cool liquid dripped from her chin as she sighed deeply. She gazed at herself in the mirror above the sink. A haunting look played across her pretty face. Her deep green eyes, normally filled with defiant fire, were dull. Her pale face seemed even paler and her usually rosey full lips were practically white. The rich dark espresso color of her hair had lost its luster. 

    She observed the drastic change in her features with disdain. Never before had fear taken such a physical toll on her. Something was wrong, very wrong. No, it wasn't just wrong. Something was coming. Jade knew it, she felt it. No matter how ludicrous the idea might seem, there was no denying the wave of evil she sensed. A shadow was closing in around them like a black fog. What could be stalking just behind the curtain? Whatever it was, something wicked followed with it. 

    No longer able to sit still, Jade grabbed her light jacket and left her dorm room despite her own warning. She had to find her brothers, to see with her own eyes that they were safe. Normally she wouldn't allow anyone to see her in such a state. She would just wait it out alone until the feeling passed. Not tonight, tonight was different. She needed to be with her family so she could protect them, with her own hands, when the darkness came. Oh, and it is coming, she thought. It's coming for us all.     

Note From The Author

    First and foremost, thank you so much for reading the new and improved first chapter to The Adell Stories: Z-Files. For anyone who may have read the original, I'm afraid it just wasn't up to my standards. While it was fun to write for a while I fell out of love with it and just didn't want to continue. However this new version is deeper and far FAR more appealing. I have so many plans for the future! The characters are deeper, the story richer. I've stripped Z-Files to it's bones, but in doing so gave it a whole new life. One might say it's back from the dead.😉 I hope you will love it as much as I do and will support both it and I as we move forward. 


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