"Boyfriends?" "Boyfriends."

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The original name for this story is "boys in boxers" and I hope you enjoy reading it. Please don't be afraid to let me know what you think, okay? ^_^ thank you! :D


I sighed contentedly as I slowly felt myself come to. I was waking up. It was a slow process; feeling my mind come into control of my body again, and slowly seeping into my regular functions again. It was like my brain had gone for a long walk in my sleep, and now it was slowly coming back.

First I could hear things. My breathing, mostly, as I filled my lungs with sweet oxygen. My head felt numb, and I could tell that I hadn't exactly been breathing properly in my sleep.

Next came my ability to smell. I could smell something sweet, and sexy. Like I'd put deodorant on before I'd gone to bed without remembering it.

I gained access to my body, and slid slowly towards the smell, feeling my lips tug upwards in a smile as I felt my body come into contact with something big. And warm.

That was when the ability to feel came back into play, and I noticed things were different.

For starters, the bed I was sleeping in wasn't my own. It was soft, and large, and it lacked an abundance of pillows. There was one beneath my head, and a warm thing that made me feel like it wasn't a pillow, but I wasn't quite sure.

That was, until I felt a hand twitch against my thigh, then slide higher. I smirked a little, and bit my bottom lip as the hand gripped me tightly, another arm wrapped tightly around my back. I felt my face flush in the early morning; no one had ever hugged me like that before.

Then the more evident facts began to set in. Firstly, someone was hugging me like that. I wasn't dreaming. Secondly, this bed wasn't my own. And of course, thirdly, the realization that terrified me more than anything else in the whole damn world...

I had no recollection of what had happened the night before.

Ordinarily, I had a terrible memory anyway, but this scared me because I had no remembrance at all. Not even a hint. My mind was a white sheet of slate between now and what I'd done in lunch yesterday.

I opened my eyes, and I could see a light pink nipple, with a slight hint of hair, as my eyes pointed downwards.

A guy. Well, at least this was a guy. I had seen that coming, though, and I was thankful for small mercies.

Then I looked up a little, and notice short, sandy-blonde hair.

Good, good. He wasn't a sadistic person, judging by his hair color, and it's short length. And with how his hands were located on my body, and I could feel any bruises or soreness, I was pretty sure I was still a virgin.

A small pang of disappointment, but also a small bunch of relief flooded through me. I mean, I was still a virgin, but at least I'd be able to remember my first time for real, right?

That was a positive outlook for a moron.

I shook my groggy head slightly, and then began to think.

Why couldn't I remember? Was I drunk? Had I been drunk last night? If so, why wasn't I hung over?

Was I hung over?

I looked slowly from the left side of my vision, to the right. There was little pain, and I didn't have a headache. I could think clearly, so I was under the assumption that I didn't have a headache.

But I did, however, have severe memory loss. How, I had no idea.

I blinked as the body beneath me shifted again, pulling his body close to mine, so our chests touched, and then he threw a leg over mine, just for good measure.

"Boyfriends?" "Boyfriends."Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant