"You're so tiring. You know how hard it is to go outside right now? Magicians and knights are scoundring the entire continent in search of us. These magicians are looking at everyone's mana waves with knights ready to capture us the moment one the magicians gives the word!" Lucas exclaims annoyed. I tighten my grip on his hands still staring up at him. "Please."

Lucas looks down at me for awhile before, sighing. Giving in to my pleas. "Fine." Lucas grumbles and I quickly hug him and let go.

With a snap of his fingers he switched our attire and of course sealed my jeweled eyes, before we appeared outside. Grabbing onto Lucas's hand I drag him with me. "Lucas, look how delicious that looks!" I smile pointing to the different types of meat and vegetables on a stick. "A kabob?" Lucas looks at me oddly. "A kabob?" I confirm what he said. "Yeah, thats a kabob." Lucas nods his head. A kabob? What a funny name! Lucas then grabbed a couple giving some money to the man.

"Here." Lucas hands me one. It looks so good! I quickly take a bite. Yummy! "You're like a child still." Lucas shakes his as I eat my kabob. "It's delicious though!" I smile as I continue to finish

"Ooh! What's that? It's so pretty!" I point to what seemed to be a pink cloud on a white paper cone. "Cotten Candy." Lucas tells me. "Cotten Candy? So you can eat it? Can I have one, Lucas?" I ask as I drag him over there. "Sure." Lucas shrugs as he pays for me to have Cotten Candy and I threw away my empty stick. It smells so sweet! I grab a piece of the fluffy cloud. It was even so soft! I then put it in my mouth where it dissolved. "That's so tasty too!" I smile up at him as I began to finish it. I wonder how you make this?


Something suddenly ran into my legs followed by a voice grunting. "Ouch, that hurt."

Looking down a child was sitting down rubbing its head. He is so adorable! I bend down to his level examine him for any real injuries. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I tell the child who slowly opens their sky blue eyes staring back at me. He instantly turns away once he sees me.

"I'll forgive you since I'm such a nice person." The child says still avoiding my gaze. He reminds me of someone. "Thank you for showing such kindness." I giggle standing back up but offering a hand to the boy. The boy glanced up at me before taking my hand and standing up too. "I'm Alex." The little boy introduces himself. "I'm Athy, nice to meet you." I smile at him.

"And I am Lucas." Lucas says glaring at the child. He never changes. The child clutched onto my clothes but also glared up at Lucas. "Lucas, don't scare the child." I glare back at Lucas who rolls his eyes.

"Well a child shouldn't just be wandering around." Lucas says glancing down at Alex. He is right. He should be left by himself.

"Hey Alex, where are you parents?" I ask him. He finally looks away from Lucas and back at me. "My dads working and my moms cleaning. I was playing with my friends but I got bored." Alex shrugs. "Well we can take you back to your parents or something." I offer the child. He still shouldn't be by himself, he can't be older than ten, it dangerous.

"No I'll be forced to help them then." Alex shakes his head. "But you still shouldn't be by yourself, it's not safe." I explain to him.

"Hmm." The child tilted it's head as he acted as if he was deep in a serious thought. "Okay, I'll tell you where my house is so you can bring me home before sundown, till then you have to care for me." The child smirked at me.

Lucas! This child reminds me of Lucas! He even has night black hair! But he has blue eyes. Still he even acts like Lucas. He is pretty much forcing me to make a deal with him like Lucas did with not eating Raven.

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