Sara's story writing

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Feeling burdened by the one sided challenge she made with the professor earlier, she almost became a zombie lying before her computer forever in her room. Days passed writing and rewriting story by story to produce a work with effective describing skills.

Elnora visited her a few times to check upon her and left without disturbing.

Next morning, she woke up early and got ready to meet with the professor. She waited in the hall for keme to get ready so that they can go together.

Keme came out of his room in uniforn and found shocked to see Sara so early in the morning.
"What are you upto?" Keme asked.
"I'm going with you" she said.
"Where? To college? " He was shocked.
She nodded a yes.
" Why?" He asked curiously
"To meet up with the professor. You remember the one who sat next to us."
"Yeah I remember. But how do you know him?"
"Well it sort of happened because of those ghost drama your college mates performed."
"But what do you have to do with him now?"
"You are really curious for a teenager keme. Let's go to college first" she escaped the answer because of the embarrassment that the situation she ended up in. He gave a deep sigh and followed her. They took the bus and luckily it's with empty seats so both seated in a different places. Slowly bus started getting busy. In one of the stops a mischievous boy landed on the bus and approached her seat despite having a few empty seats. Keme was afraid that he would misbehave and went to her before the other could reach her. Seeing how he turned protective, she smiled at him patting on his head.

"By the way, what do you used to do?" Keme asked. This is first time Keme is curious of things about people surrounding him.
" Me? I worked in creative team at an ad agency."
"Then how did you end up here?" His curiosity further increased.
"It's a stupid story. You might be bored and distressed the whole day with the things I have been through"
"You sound too disappointed"
She, looking at the windows lost in the past. She began to narrate everything that has happened. Literally everything till she reached the share house.

He did not give any adequate attention for her to make her embarrassed on revealing all her personal things.

"That's all" she said gloomily.
" No! You still got to tell about the professor thing" he tried to break the sad expression on her face and he succeeded. She chuckled while Keme remained stern.

They got off the bus and reached college. She reached his room and enquired his assistant or more precisely the research scholar working under his guidance, about his availability. Since he had a class going on, she was asked to wait outside the cabin by his assistant.

Sara started feeling insecure because of his assistant. His assistant is a pretty brown eyed girl in her early twenties younger than Sara by 1 year or so. She looked more like a goddess of beauty with perfect figure. Her dressing too seemed too well-off. Sara felt her chances of getting him almost went away.

This is really not the Sara who she was. She has been a confident and women full of self respect. But the turn of events happened and the fact that the professor got some charms she has favoured from long time made her look like another silly girl chasing after him. Howsoever, she is actually happy that she got something interesting to do. Only if she has worked without the condition of impressing him, she could have been more happier. Things happen for a reason. Even if she is going to face dejection in this aspect she is still happy that she got a chance to spend time worthy.

By the time she cleared her thoughts, professor Ram got his class finished. He returned to his cabin with a group of girls surrounding him to seek some clarifications or just to hear him speak anything.

Sara gave a deep sigh while her fingers were playing piano on the file she carried. He gave a quick glance at her and walked inside.

The girls finished their business and came out while a few were really anxious of whom I could be. But they looked assured because I cannot be a considerable competitor before the assistant he already have.

Sara said in herself " these bunch of jealousy women will kill me if I am found next time around him".

Sara got a call from inside. She took a deep breath and went inside.

As soon as she entered,
"So?" Ram asked before she could even sit.
She handed the file to him and sat on the other side of the table before him before he says. He was looking at the pages carefully, as if he is correcting a PhD thesis of his student. Sara don't know what to do while he go through it, she observed his entire cabin. She expected a book shelf with countless books which one can never read in his life time with a grumpy computer system. But it was not as she expected. The room was completely empty except for a rack attached to the table and few papers on the table which need an immediate attention. The only noticeable thing is the painting on the wall which Sara did not understand.

Walking her eyes through the walls, she met with the eyes of his assistant who was observing her all through the time.
' I feel like I have seen you somewhere" she said.
" Sorry. I don't remember meeting you before" Sara assured.
"No we haven't met, but I have seen your face somewhere."
"I'm not some celebrity that you see me on TV or so" Sara said on a jovial note.
Meanwhile she remembered where she saw it and opened he mobile and shouted anxiously
" You are keme's girl friend right?".
" What?" Sara was utterly shocked.

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