When I come back in Re room she was still in the bathroom getting dressed.. her bag not packed or nothing. Rolling my eyes I put my bags down and start packing her bag up "No, Pop I'm almost done I can do it." I just kept doing what I was doing anyway walking over to the bed picking up the bag of my personal t-shirts and draws for her to wear while I'm away. She finishes in the bathroom and comes peeking around me "What's that stuff? It's not mine." I close her suitcase over the bag and say "I know that it's mine. Some of my T-shirts & draws are in here that you can wear while I'm gone." She steps back looking down at her shoes twiddling her little thumbs "Yeah... for while you're gone." I place her bag on the floor by mine and she helps me make up the bed. As soon as we are done I grab our bags and she grabs our phones and we walk out of the room shutting our entire night together behind that door. Only people who know what happened in that room all weekend is me, her, and those 4 walls. And that's all that matters ... it's how it should be.

I place our bags at the bottom of the stairs and I take her hand gently leading her towards the back. "You never told me where we were going Bashar." I don't answer her as we walk to the out skirts of the property. Soon I see the little path that leads deeper into the trees she stops dead in her tracks when we reach it. "Why do I feel like you finna try to kill me?" I look back at her over my shoulder before turning to her slightly "Ain't nobody finna kill you girl come on." She still looks skeptical and doesn't budge "Reanna, do you trust me?" She looks up at me then back to the trial and says after sighing "Yeah." I slowly reach for both of her hands walking backwards pulling her with me "You gone love it I promise." A little 5 minute walk and I start to see the end of the trees breaking apart so I know we are close to the pond with the bridge that I found the other day when I was wandering around out here by myself. She's gonna love this.

Pop just stops abruptly outta nowhere making me run into his back "Close your eyes are." I don't even question him I shut  my eyes without a word. "They're closed." He starts pulling me forward again for a few minutes until I hear something like wood creak under him then felt it creak under me. "Come on mama it's safe. Keep your eyes closed though until I tell you to open them." I don't say anything cause I'm listening to my surroundings the birds are chirping, the air is crisp as it blows through the trees making them rustle.

When he presses his strong hands against my body I stop completely. He then grabs my shoulders turning my body what I could only assume was away from him. "Now open your eyes." When I opened my eyes and looked around as my eyes adjusted all that met my vision was the sun just over the horizon starting to rise painting the sky a beautiful red and orange color. Making the whole scene all the way down to the water under the bridge we stood on look like it was straight out of a fairytale. I couldn't help the smile that broke out across my face. It was absolutely beautiful out here.

He leans forward by my ear his voice sending chills through my body when he spoke "What you think Re, you like it?" I turn around to face him and he places his hands on my butt as I reach for his face with both of my hands "It's absolutely beautiful Bashar." He smiles down at me before holding up his pointer finger stepping away breaking our hold on each other reaching into his pocket pulling out a sandwich bag full of little bread balls. "That wasn't even the best part. You remember how you told me that you loved Koi fish the other night?" I widened my eyes because one I didn't remember telling him that ... maybe I was drunk but I thought it was sweet that he even listened. He reaches in the sandwich bag and pulls out a handful bread balls tossing them into the water and we watch as the fish start swimming up to the surface nibbling away at the bread. I watched in pure bliss at  the way the sun kissed  their scaly features just enhancing the whole experience for me.

"You okay mamas?" My throat is so tight right now I just look at him and just nod my head yes.. he doesn't waste any time grabbing my face making me look at him "Awe babygirl why you crying? I thought you liked it. " He wipes my tears as they fall "I do... I love it. But that's not the problem Bashar." He scrunched his eyebrows together frowning down at me "Then what's the problem Re?" I sniff 4 times back to back like a small child before I can answer "It's just that I feel like this is too good to be true... that being right here in this moment with you.. it doesn't feel real. Nobody has put this much effort into me EVER and you make it look so easy."

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