Rocky Starts

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I sent Mikey to tell Pop & Re that we were finna start drinking soon. I hear Mikey loud ass yelling  from the back by the patio "POP HOL ONNNNN!" Then I see Pop bright ass smile come through the door before I see Reanna little ass holding his hand trailing behind him laughing just as hard yelling "Mikey get that camera out my face! You play too much." The happiness is short lived though because as soon as Pop sees my face his smile drops a little but he doesn't let her hand go at all. Reanna peeping that his energy has  changed comes around placing her hand on his tattooed bicep looking up in his face with what seems like genuine concern. She looked so little standing next to him ... like a little girl. He rolls his eyes at me  and looks down at her when she taps his bare wet  chest ... when she speaks her voice softer than usual like she's not being as serious... the same tone she used with my brother  DaQuan when they were together "You good?" He looks at their interlocked fingers and then at her face "Yeah I'm straight." She let his hand go to fix her hair moving to stand fully in front of him "You sure?" He smiles at her as she drops her hands to her sides reaching out to her to play with her fingers peeking over her head making eye contact with me saying "Yeah mamas come on." I see the smile on Reanna face when she turns back around to face me ... I see  she is lowkey enjoying herself with him... but way too soon. And I think that's great and all but I also want her to be careful. I'm having second thoughts about this whole getting them together thing. Mikey passes  by me kissing my forehead softly whispering  "Stop frowning mama they are fine." I just nod my head as Reanna walks up to me kissing my cheek just as softly "Thank you Jas... I'm having fun." She walks past me into the party and Pop is following behind her but he stops when I hold up my hand making Reanna stop too because he has her hand "Pop, can I talk to you real quick?" He just nods his head telling Reanna "Go find Rah & Mikey & enjoy yourself ma." She frowns but she lets him go saying "Okay.. cool." Before walking into the party headed straight for the drinks island. He stands with his hands  open waiting for me to speak and I say "On the back porch.. please?" He raises his eyebrows briefly and walks backwards watching the door behind me before turning around walking completely out in the porch. I slide the glass door closed behind me as my foot hits the concrete. And I clearly see Reanna & Mikey looking out to where we just stood drinks in hand before completely walking into the party in search of Rah Swish.

I didn't know whether or not to say something because Jas caught me off guard and she been giving me stank face since we surprised Reanna almost 45 minutes ago. And I can't shake the little dear in headlights look on Reanna face before I turned my back on her to come outside because Jas needed to speak to me. Speaking of the devil Jas comes and sits across from me at the table I'm currently leaning on at the moment. "Wassup man?" She unfolds her arms and says "What I can't just talk to you now Bashar?" I give her a quick side eye before replying "Don't call me that shit man fr you already know the vibes." She leans back in her chair crossing her arms back over herself "But Reanna can call you that and you not trip though?" I try to keep my head together as I tell her "That's different ... you're my brother girl .. you're like my sister. I told Reanna my first name because that's the gentleman thing to do. Cause she might be my girl one day. So yeah she can call me that because I give her the green light but nobody else. You got me fucked up Jas." She just rolled her eyes at me laughing it off "You think she really gone give you the chance though?" Confused I look up from my lap making eye contact saying "Yeah, I feel like we gone get to know each other real well." She bursts out laughing like I said some shit that was funny when she catches her breath she looks me in the face saying "She has your nose wide the fuck open and you haven't even known her a full 12 hours yet. I can't blame you she has tht affect on people. I thought you would get through to her by now cause you know you the BIG WOO but I guess I was wrong. Just do me favor and leave her alone cause I don't need you fucking her and messing with her head... or breaking her heart Pop. Cause when you break her heart I have to pick up the pieces. Don't get me wrong you're a great man but just not for her... I'm sorry to have wasted your time and I will apologize to Mikey when I tell him if I ever even do and she'll forgive me because I'm protecting her." I try not to yell because I don't wanna cause no scene or mess up the mood inside because what the hell man "Protecting her from what though bro? Cause I haven't done nothing ... don't be comparing me to other niggas Jasmine. I'm not them niggas it's hella bitches in there if I wanted to just fuck I would be in there with them bitches zee! I don't know what's with the change of heart when this was your idea to begin with but now I like her vibe and I'm gonna pursue that fashoooo because I know for facts she fucking with me. And she grown so how about we ask her for ourselves let her decide whether she needs protection." Before she could say anything else to me I get up and start walking past her ... lowkey tryna calm down cause I don't do bad vibes ... I take a deep breath before pulling the glass door open. When I entered the room the vibe changed Mikey had his arm draped over Re shoulders while he was introducing her to the Woos she turned smiling following the eyes that were staring behind her back across the room at me. "Can everybody that's not WOO and don't know me personally disperse to the pool area please?" Mikey's smile drops when he asks me "What's good Woo?" I ignore his question as I walk up to Reanna removing his arm from her shoulders .. I'm in her space so much I can feel her body heat "You fuck with me?"

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