Derek entered the room, feeling his exhaustion, kick in overdrive, he was desperately wanting to shut his eyes even if it was only for a brief while. Carefully Dusting off the old chair, he heaved a sigh of relief, as he rested himself effortlessly into it, his body thanking him gleefully in return.

Derek felt his eyelids grow heavy, forcing him to close his eyes.

But When he opened his eyes again, he was horrified to learn that he was no longer in that room he'd just entered only moments ago. It appeared to be a bathroom, of some sort, but he had no idea how he got here and why he was even here, slowly starting to gather his composure, he looked across the room and recoiled back with horror when he caught sight of what appeared to be blood scattered all over the walls, and floor.

Derek felt a sharp burning sensation form in the pit of his stomach.

It looked as if someone had been slaughtered to death in here. Derek thought horrified.

He shuddered uncontrollably at the sound of a high pitch scream suddenly soaring through his eardrums and forcefully ripping them open, compelling him to shield both his hands over his ears, pleading back at whoever was screaming like that to stop.

The screams rippled through him, and Derek tried desperately to block out those atrocious cries that made his head twist with excruciating pain.

Hesitantly he found himself looking up trying to see who was responsible for those agonizing screams and caught a glimpse, of that same woman he had seen before, seated on the floor in front of him, he recognized her instantly by her stringy long blonde hair that sat just before her waistline.

But she was no longer hideous, her scars on her body were no longer visible, and her unkempt lacklustre blonde hair was no longer lifeless.

Her screams had gradually managed to taper off and all that was left were muffled, whimpering sobs only, she and Derek could hear.

He had felt pity for this woman, but he soon reminded himself what happened the last time he allowed his heart, to rule his head.

Derek tried to say something to her, but it was if she couldn't hear him, or even see him. It was as if he were lost in a nightmare, of sleep paralysis and couldn't force his body to wake up, he could only remain aware of what was going on around him.

His eyes wandered over to her wrists soon fetching to his attention, that the blood that had been splattered across the walls and floors, was coming from her. She had a knife in her hands and she was frantically slashing away at her wrists, screaming someone's name over and over again.

Derek couldn't bear it any longer he couldn't just sit on the sidelines and watch her do this to herself for another minute more. He rose furiously off the floor and began walking towards her in a slow unsteady pace, he was planning on ripping the knife from her hands but the second he took that third step had been Derek's last.

It was as if she could somehow sense he was now in the room, with her and was standing right behind her. She stopped and Derek watched her place the blood-stained knife, on the floor, she was shaking as if her body had gone into shock. Her head tilted back and looked directly into Derek's eyes with those ghastly cruel white eyes, massacring Derek's soul once again, surging shivers down his spine.

As she looked at him, that same horrendous looking face had returned but this time her eyes, were profoundly more insidious and colder than Derek had ever seen them; exhibiting not an ounce of emotion in them. Instead were replaced with venomous hatred and rage all directed at Derek.

" Chaos soon shall reign!" She sneered darkly at him, her hideous eyes not retreating from his gaze.

"Chaos soon shall reign!"She assured him again, much to Derek's horror.

"I'm coming for you! And this time I'm taking you with me!"

Before Derek could seize the knife out of her hands, he knew it was too late. He had now met his doom and his fate now lay in this deplorable woman's hands.

 He had now met his doom and his fate now lay in this deplorable woman's hands

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In the process of being edited and rewritten.

Total word count:1305

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