Chapter 7 : More Girls ?

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Hereford Base , [Present day ] 

Y/n POV 

I woke up and see that Nokk already gone , so I quickly sit down and grab my phone unlocking it 

'Jesus , its 6 in the morning' 

I got up before opening my bag and  grab myself a pair of black jeans and a black shirt , Just then Gustave came out from his room wearing his mission gear 

"Morning Gustave ,  another Mission ?" 

Gustave : "Yes unfortunately " 

"Well Good luck" 

I said while getting out from the dorm and head towards the cafeteria , once I arrived at the cafeteria I could see that Nokk is sitting with Emma and The GIGN minus Doc . Once they saw me they just waved at me so I returned it back by waving at them before heading to the food court and grab myself a plate of bacon and pancake , Once I grabbed my food I quickly head to the others and sat down between Emma and Nokk 

"Good Morning" 

Emma and Nokk : "Morning" 

I then started to eat my food while both of my girlfriends is clinging onto my both of my arms making it slightly harder to eat 

"Can both of you let go of my arm ?" 

They shook their head and hug my arm tighter , I just sighed getting a chuckle from both Gilles and Julien (I think that's his name) , Then suddenly Ela and Meghan appear out of knowwhere and sit next to Emma 

"Hey Ela , Meghan " 

Ela/Meghan : "Hey/Sup" 

Ela : "So.. , Were  just wondering if we could borrow both of your 'girlfriends' here ? " 

I looked at Emma and Nokk and they seemed okay with it , so I nod at Meghan before both of my girlfriends releases my arms and walks away with Meghan and Ela 

Gilles : "Girls , Am I right ?" 

Me and Julien just laughed at his response 

[Meanwhile , Emma's POV] 

We followed Ela and Meghan onto the training field then we stopped before they turned to us 

Meghan : "Let me ask you a question , Nokk " 

Nokk : "What is it ? " 

Ela : "How long have you been Y/n's girlfriend ?" 

Nokk : "Two years atleast , why ?" 

She answered while crossing her arms 

Meghan : "How about you Emma ?" 

"Only yesterday , why ?" 

Ela : "Well we was thinking if we could- " 

Nokk : "-Join Y/n's Harem right ?" 

They were shocked and nodded very fast 

Nokk : "Well I'm okay with it , how about you Emma ?" 

"Eh.. , Sure I guess but you two should ask Y/n first " 

Then suddenly Meghan hugged me while Ela hugged Nokk , But I felt like somebody is watching us .. 

[Meanwhile , 3rd Person POV] 

Here we can see Caveira spying on the four girls with a yandere smile from a tree 

Caveira : "fu-fu-fu-fu~ maybe I could join his harem , who knows ?" 

She then take out her phone unlocking it before opening Y/n's picture when he's asleep 

Caveira : "Don't worry mi-amor~ Soon we will be together" 

Then she start to laugh like a insane person while looking at her 'prey' pictures

(So I decided to add the picture below after seeing the comments , so enjoy

(So I decided to add the picture below after seeing the comments , so enjoy) 

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