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Today at school, I tried my best to ignore Jaemin. I felt like it'd be best if we didn't talk. I've been trying to get over him since I know he will never like me back so what's the point in holding on when it's never gonna happen.

I walked into school early so that I could avoid seeing him on the way to school. It was around spring time right now, the weather was super nice and the sun was shining like gold. I really love spring. I love nature.

I got to school and went to my usual spot next to the tree. I clicked shuffle on my playlist after plugging my headphones in and took out my sketchbook, i was super close to finishing my drawing. The drawing of Haechan.

By the time everyone was coming into school, I'd finished the drawing. I looked at it from an arms distance and admired the picture. Haechan was very handsome indeed. I was going to show him this later when I saw him at lunch.

Time skip

It was now lunch, earlier I had asked Haechan to meet me at my spot at the start of lunch since I didn't want to go into the lunch hall, Jaemin would probably see me. I was waiting at my tree, the calm breeze hitting my face as looked up at the sky.

"Namhee!" I heard a familiar voice call. I looked towards the direction it came from and saw Haechan walking towards me. "Hey," I said, patting the spot next to me. He sat down beside me and I opened my backpack to get my sketchbook out.

"I've finished it," I said. "Really? Can I see?" "Of course, that's why I'm getting it out right now." I let out a laugh. I showed him the drawing and he looked at it with his mouth hung open. "That's so good!" He screamed. I hushed him so he wouldn't bring all the attention to us. "Thanks," I replied.

"How can you draw so well?" I shrugged. "You know, Jaemin really wants to learn how to draw like that," he said. "Maybe you could teach him?" I blushed. "Uhm... only if he wants me to." "I'll tell him later when I see him."

"Hyuck! Namhee!" We heard a voice call us. Like a miracle, the boy we had just been talking about appeared a few meters away from us. He sped walked to us and spoke, "What are you guys up to?" He smiled as he looked at me, I avoided eye contact. "Look at this!" Haechan said as he grabbed the notebook out of my hands and showed it to Jaemin. "Wow," Jaemin said, shocked.

"I-I need to go now, I remembered that Mrs Park wanted me to help her with something," I said grabbing my notebook and shoving it into my bag. I stood up and quickly walked off.

I didn't actually have to help Mrs Park out, I just needed to get away from Jaemin. If I want to get over him I'd need to stay away. Why is it now that he only just started talking to me? This is making it harder than it should be.

I remembered I had maths with Jaemin next period, so I'd have to see him again. Oh... and detention after school, I forgot about that.

Time skip•

School had just finished and I was making my way to detention. I was hoping Jaemin wouldn't try start a conversation with me, but of course luck wasn't on my side.

"Hey," he said. I looked at him and motioned him to be quiet. "You shouldn't be talking," I whispered. He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "Come on, I haven't spoken to you much today." "Good." He frowned. He didn't talk to me for the rest of detention.

As I was walking out from the classroom, I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and trailed up the hand connected to my wrist, to see Jaemin's eyes looking into mine, I looked away. "Look, Namhee, I'm sorry if I made you upset or anything, can I make it up to you by taking you on a date right now?" He asked, looking apologetic.

I tried hard not to tell him he didn't do anything and that I'd love to go with him but I needed to stay away from him. I don't think my mum would let me be out with a boy anyways, especially since I've just had detention.

"Sorry, I need to get going." I spoke. "Fine, lets have lunch together tomorrow though, yeah?" He asked with pleading eyes. "F-fine." I walked away and went home.

When I got home I let out a big sigh, this is going to take a while.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Published May 30th)
(807 words)

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