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Username: DisneyTsumTsum2

Name: Nia

Status: Open

Genres I am comfortable reviewing: LGBTQ+ and (Selective) Fan fiction is my favorite. I also love fantasy and teen fiction. Aside from my preferences, everything that is not down below is fine!

Genres I am uncomfortable reviewing: Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Mature, Poetry - (I don't know how to review it.)

Time it takes to review a book: Depends on my schedule. Since school started, a week or more.

Chapters I read: Depends on how much I like the book, and how many chapters you have. I vote if I really like something, and I try to comment as well.

Preferred payment: A follow, and one of my books (Map of my Heart or Mage of Fire) added to a reading list. (If you like it, I would appreciate if you also read it :D but its not required.)

Username: AsfiyaSayyad

Name: Asfiya

Status: CFCU

Genres I'm comfortable reviewing: Teen Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Selected Fanfictions.

Genres I'm not comfortable reviewing : Horror, adventure.

Time it takes to review a book: I have a lot of school work so I might do it in a week or two.

Chapters I read: I generally read 15 to 20 chapters and I even drop votes. But if your story is interesting then I might read the whole book.

Preferred Payment: A follow and one of my Books added (And read too, if you like) to a reading list.

Username: Simasye_Maulidi

Name: Simasye

Status: Open

Genres I'm comfortable reviewing: I'm comfortable reading anything.

Time it takes to review a book: Depends on the chapters. So let's say. 15 chapters of more per day.

Chapters I read: Less that 15

Preferred Payment: My book Who could have ever thought. Should be added to their reading list. They can read it if they want.

Username: ZeeyWrites

Name: Zara or Kristen

Status: Open

Genres I'm comfortable reviewing:I'm comfortable reading anything

Genres I'm not comfortable reviewing: I'm uncomfortable reading smut

Time it takes to review a book: I have no idea

Chapters I read: 5-7

Preferred Payment: Reading my book and some comments (comments is optional tho)

Username: dorkynerd21

Name: Sasha Cahill

Status: Open

Genres I'm comfortable reviewing: romance, teenfic, adventure, mystery

Genres I'm not comfortable reviewing: horror, paranormal, historical

Time it takes to review a book: A day

Chapters I read: varies depending on my interest

Preferred Payment: read, like, comment on my book

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