Kate Marsh - Be Strong

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Whilst Max, curious and caring as ever, wanders through Kate's room, picking up pictures of happiness, time frozen, feelings captured, memories saved, she stumbles upon a collage of images on the side of Kate's grey wardrobe, all contained in white borders – polaroid's, most if not all selfies of the two girls together. An amalgamation of a brightly shining Kate, always close with another girl, darkly brunette hair trailing down to her shoulder, soft stunning features, dazzling smile, pearly white towards an old school camera, incredible with producing high class polaroid's.

As Max notices a pattern between the images, she connects the number of pictures where the girls are incredibly close and kissing, hugging, smiling lovingly at one another. In all pictures, Kate seems like an enigmatic, brightly shining girl, enjoying life to its fullest potential, completely antithetical to the tormented young girl sniffling softly at her desk, sat in a neglected room, clothes scattered, plates collecting on the side of the desk, dust settling from being undisturbed for a long time.

Max glances over towards her friend, before glancing back towards the side of the wardrobe, finding a number, written on an old piece of notebook paper, unscrewed and pinned against the wood. Max quickly slips her camera out of her pocket, switching of the flash and snapping a picture of the number, shaking the polaroid in her hand, she shoves both items back into her brown satchel.

"You're girlfriend Kate?" Max questions, watching as Kate jumps from the interrupted silence, sniffling, turning around in her chair towards her left, glancing at Max, Kate nods before looking to the floor. "Have you told her what's happening?" Max asks softly, moving to place a hand on Kate's shoulder, a sudden flash of terror and panic envelop Kate's heart, she shakes her head quickly.

"I – I can't! She'll hate me! I kissed other people – she'll think I cheated on her. But I don't remember doing what the video shows. And if she sees the video. I don't know what I'll do!" Kate panics rambling to Max, tears streaming down her already tear-stained face.

"Call her Kate, tell her what's happening. If she loves you as much as what I can see radiating from her in those polaroid's she will understand everything and be here for you. If I understand, then I'm sure she will too." Max attempts to convince her, softly circling her hand on the young girl sniffling in her chair.

Kate nods absentmindedly, turning back in towards her desk and continuing to dawdle at her desk, her mind swarming with corrupted and terrifying thoughts, her heart steals in her chest, the residual sound pounding in her head, deafening her from the world around her. As Max turns her back, Kate lets her head fall, bringing her hands in front of her coddling each other on the desk, picking at the skin around her nails, Kate inhales, staring at her phone, daunting and taunting her. She shakes her head, deciding to suffer alone, despite the continuous flashing messages from Kate's girlfriend, asking if she was okay.

Unconvinced Max sighs softly, taking it as her que to leave, walking out of the room, across the hall and back into her own dorm room, brighter and more fulfilled then the previous room she was in. She rests her bag against the wall underneath her mirror, slumping down onto her bed, defeated and sad, she falls back onto her bed, her eyes finding solace in the ceiling above her. Suddenly, an idea strikes her, which has her sitting up right and stretching down to grab her bag and rummaging around before pulling out a recently made polaroid.

The numbers pristine and bold in the picture almost call out to Max, listening, she grabs her phone, tapping on a few sections before the keypad shows up, and she's typing the number into the keypad. Watching as the screen blanks for a second, before a grey screen lights up, an array of options sit above the end call button, and the number scrolling across the top, the dial tone ringing numbly through the phone. Max places the phone next to her ear, listening to it ring before a soft voice slips through the monotonous dial tone.

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