Part 23

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Omniscient Point of View:

The 6'2" frame stood over Aja's lifeless body. He lowered the gun to see if she was really dead. He could not believe what he had just done. The tears ran down his face as he lifted Aja in his arms.

"Aja come on, quit playing. Wake up." The tears still pouring. He grabbed his keys and headed to the house he grew up in. "MOM!!!! I fucked up. I fucked up real bad."

"What are you talking about honey?"

"You will never forgive me for this." He spoke as he led his mother to his car where Aja's body laid in the back seat.  He stood in front in fear of showing his mother what he had done.

"I can't see what you did with you standing in front of me like this. Move." She said pushing him away. She walked up to the car and opened the door. The scream that came from her body was enough to scare a deaf person. She collapsed on the ground, still screaming with tears running down her cheeks.

"Mom I'm so sorry.  She threatened me and I got so mad. I didn't mean to kill her." He said trying to console his mother.

"Get the fuck off of me! How can you kill your family? You are not my son. My son would never do some unforgivable shit like this. She was going to quit the game after she graduated so she could go to college and not end up like the rest of us. You ruined every fucking thing. I don't want to see you in this house ever again. You know you have to tell your father that you killed his babygirl. I hope you are ready for the consequences of your actions. Go tell your father now!" She left no room for arguments as she yelled at him. He got up and stalked toward the man cave his father was in.

"Hey son, have you talked to Aja? She isn't answering her phone. I'm starting to get worried."

"Dad, I fucked up real bad. I need you to come outside."

"You hit her didn't you? Dammit son I told you to stop hitting women." He said following his son outside.

They got outside and all they could hear is murmurs and crying. They followed the noise to find her hugging Aja's lifeless body. His father looked at the scene in disbelief. 


"Dad I-" he said running away.



                           The End.

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