34. been you.

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|◁ II ▷|

snoh aalegra love like that.

THE RAINSTORM HAD SOAKED the life out of Maya's head of hair, which made the volume of her curls go limp under the relentless pouring of rain pellets. The walk home in the rain, especially away from Ebén who was the cause of her foul mood, should have tempered her but she was still seething.

At herself for letting down her guard when she knew Ebén wasn't the type to commit long-term.

She had wished hard that fate would never have made the two of them meet, as his ambush into her life, had brought the total loss of her privacy, the constant bartering of her pride and the bleak realisation that she had caught deep, hard feelings for the womaniser that stirred her crazy.

She had always been quite reserved with her feelings and whilst she hadn't said that she loved him back, the truth was that she did. Like a dummy.

" so cute you crimp your nose like that, " Maya and her dripping wet appearance had walked in on Blaze and Eve's bodies folded together intimately.

At first, she had been sure that love hadn't been something that she wanted, given that the woman was unhealthily nursing her hurt. But, her brief reacquaintance to love that came from Ebén, had softened the heart of the stubborn woman.

And she now had gotten tired of always harbouring this cynicism when life seemed better with love in it.

The door slammed shut under Maya's hand, with help from the exertion of the silent wilds but it was Maya dripping wet from head to toe, that made Blaze and Eve's eyes perk at the unsightly sight of her. A squelching sound came out from underneath the sole of her boot as she tried to rid herself free from the sticky mud she had walked miles through.

"Eurgh!" Her distaste for the patches of mud that had gathered on her person was made obvious by her long, drawn-out groans that exited out her mouth.

Their clothes had been discarded in such a way that they had every intention of it staying off.

"Sorry," Maya's eyes ducked, not knowing where to stand or sit as the two women loved on each other.

Her feet sped across the wooden flooring hoping to not bombard the two about the pangs she had about Ebén, and about love, as it was obvious even to Maya, that they were currently having a moment.

A moment she had already interrupted.

Both their eyes were casing her with worry, wondering what had happened outside that made her look so afflicted both in breath and body.

"Maya? You okay?"

Her body collapsed into the single sofa chair, and she took a minute, to suspire a breath. They both watched how her chest rose and then fell, as they waited for her to tell all, "No. I'm pissed."

"At who?" Blaze had a feeling that it had something to do with a certain rugged (and sometimes condescending) athlete, but would wait for the confirmation to come out of Maya's own lips.

"Ebén," Maya gritted slowly his name still unsettled her, not in the way that she was terrified of the man, but that he had played on her heartstrings in a bid to get her legs to open and she had let him.

Do it over and over, as the realisation had dawned on her that she had become another one of those women that hung on his every word when the lothario had no intention of changing.


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