"Just say you miss me and stop making a fuss" Theresa taunted. Alex stopped at his track and turned to her.

"I am not joking here" he blustered.

"I know! Just messing with you" and a mischievous grin lingered on her cherry red glossed lips.

Alex pursed his lips. He glanced at Don. "Don! Please don't join her in her shenanigans".

"Excuse you! What did I do?"

"Seriously, Theresa! You want to do this right now" Alex fumed.

"What have I done?" her brows creased as she glared at him. His black hair shone under the sunlight and for a second, Theresa's attention was drawn to it.

*Black is a nice hair colour! I wander how a black hair colour would look on me*

"Theresa, you can't be wasting Mr Smith's time with your mindless talks" Alex warned.

"He was the one talking" she yelled back.

"Alex!" Thelma's soft voice cooed. "Please, calm down".

Thelma placed her hand on his arm. He glanced at her hand and Thelma was starting to regret touching him. She slowly removed her hands off him.

"Sorry!" she mumbled.

"It's okay! I am not angry with you. I am angry with your sister" he flashed a piercing look at Theresa.

"Alex!" Don called in his sonorous voice. "Don't talk to Theresa in that manner".


"I could destroy that jaw of yours or just kill you to keep you silent" Don said under his breathe so Alex couldn't hear.

"Don, what did you say?" Alex asked in a calmer tone. He didn't want to fight with his best investor.

"I was at fault. That's why!" Don replied and walked past Alex, slamming his broad shoulder at his. Alex staggered a little and got his balance.

"You should apologize to her.  Let's go, Ben" Don sneered.

Alex heard the tone of Don. He knew that he was angry. He inhaled and looked at Theresa. She still had that grim expression.

"Theresa!" Alex chuckled. "There is no way I am apologizing to you. Deal with!"

"I didn't ask for your filthy apology, dumbskull" she spat out.



"So disrespectful and spoilt!"

"So dumb and pathetic!"

"How do Thelma survive with you?"

"I should definitely ask her to give me her survival tips cos your personality stinks, Xander" she flipped him off.

He scowled and walked away.

*No one should be surprise if I killed that guy with my bare hands! It can happen. He drives me crazy. Crazy in an awful way*

"Be careful! There are stones and roots that can trip you. We don't want anyone getting hurt" Ben announced as they continued their journey. The land was a clear one. There was no tree. All had been cut done. Their roots were the only thing left of those trees. There were some heaps of sand.

Thelma was perplexed. She wanted to impress Alex. She wanted to have him to herself. She was most especially angry that Theresa could easily get his attention effortlessly. Her mixed thoughts got her so distracted that she missed a step and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh!" Thelma screamed, holding on to her right foot.

"Thelma!" Alex called and ran to her. "Are you okay?"

"My ankle!" Thelma whined and bit her lip to suppress her wail.

"Thelma, what happened to you?" Theresa yelled from a distance.

"It is obvious that she fell down," Alex hissed.

Theresa ran to them. "How come. Weren't you watching?" she reprimanded.

"My ankle!" Thelma wailed. She shut her eyes, tight. It ached. The pain sent stings up her spine.

"Can she stand up?" Ben walked up to them.

Alex tried to lift Thelma to her feet but she couldn't stand.

"What should we do? She can't walk back," Ben exclaimed.

"I think that's enough for today. We can come another time" Alex said.

"No! We aren't coming back. We have seen enough" Theresa snapped. "The land is okay and you can start any project of your choice".

Alex scoffed and said, "I will carry Thelma. Let's head back".

Alex lifted Thelma bridalstyle. He glared at Ben to lead the way. Ben sent a wry smile to him.

"What's wrong" Alex growled.

"Well...I...we might be lost" Ben quivered.

"What did you say?"

"We...we...we might be lost, sir! But I know....I ...I know we can find our way back" Ben stuttered.

Don was behind him. He heard everything he said. Filled with rage, he placed his large rough hand on Ben's shoulder and gave his shoulder a bone crushing squeeze.

He leaned forward,"If you love your life, we must get back safe because I will kill you in the next thirty minutes".

"Yes...yes...yes, sir"

"Make sure I leave here within that thirty minutes or you will die" a devious smirk crawled to his lips and his dark brown eyes held a dangerous glare.

"That way! I am sure of it. That's the way back" Ben took strides, moving forward without looking back.

They followed him. Alex held Thelma tenderly as he walked.

An engaging smile was on Thelma's face. She might have hurt her ankle. Who knows, maybe sprained her ankle but that wasn't the reason of her smile. Her smile was sparked because of a certain person. Who could that be?

"How do you feel?" Alex asked with a soft voice.

*I feel pain because of my leg but most of all, I am happy. Extremely happy by your side*

  ~~~Author's Note~~~
What do you think of this chapter? Is the story getting more complicated? How will this all end?

Thanks for reading. Pls vote and comment. Love ya. God loves you too and remain blessed. ❤💖(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(。♥‿♥。)(⌒.−)=★

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