| 7: Antarctic Domain |

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You walk through the snow covered caves. It's rather nice. The reflective ice is beautiful, and it's almost silent, except for the sound of rushing water in the distance. You pause and watch the water flow, before moving on.

As you continue walking, you come across an underground river. It's peaceful. Stones are dotted in the form of a bridge in the middle, and you step on them to get across.

The cave opens up to what seems to be a ravine. A large cliff looms above you. You stare up at the ceiling. They seem like stars, but they're actually icicles that cover it. They seem to light up every so often. It's actually rather nice. You take all of this in for a moment when suddenly-


A large metal clomp booms from above. You freak out and look at what caused this noise. A figure stands atop some rocks on the cliffside. You run and hide behind some rocks, and watch whoever's above you.

The figure seems to be wearing knight-like armor, a red cape with a white cotton outline flows in the air. A yellow crown tops his head, and a sword is holstered behind his back.

As you watch the figure, someone else is standing up above. It's Skeppy. Skeppy walks up to the figure and stands before him. The figure looked down at Skeppy.

"Uh, hiya Techno", Skeppy says nervously.

So that's who Technoblade is. The figure standing above you. The figure you've heard about.

"Uhm, hey, you know how Bad told you that a human was somewhere around here? Well guess what! That human is not the one told in the legend! They fine! They're-"

Technoblade cuts him off. Skeppy's voice still echoes off the walls. You can't hear what Techno is saying though.

"You know I've heard it! You told me it like a billion times! Why wouldn't I-"

Techno cuts him off again. This time whatever Techno is saying lasts a couple paragraphs.

"Oh, well yeah but we don't have to- well, I see. I'll, uhm, go now I guess", Skeppy says before walking off.

After Skeppy leaves, Techno starts scanning the area. He doesn't spot you, and after his scan, he too walks off.

You get up from your spot behind the rocks. Hopefully Skeppy would return to help, at least, right?

You continue walking through the ravine. A massive waterfall runs in front of you. You walk across a wooden bridge and continue through the caves.


The cave you're walking in leads into a massive cliff. Another wooden bridge runs across the bottomless void. Looking down only makes it scarier. You start slowly walking across the bridge. You keep your eyes up to the ceiling. Your hands grip onto the railings. Suddenly, a tall figure leaps down from above. He lands on the bridge, a couple feet in front of you. The bridge shakes, scaring you. It's Technoblade. He starts walking up to you, before he unholstered his sword and held it before him. It was a sharp diamond sword. It almost seemed to be glowing.

"And who must you be?", Technoblade said in a deep voice.

You freeze in place, not being able to say anything. He stares down at you, menacingly. After a couple seconds of absolutely no talking, he takes his sword and points it directly at you.

You freak out and grab the handle of your iron sword. Techno notices this quickly and cuts off the railings of the bridge. Only the single wooden plank holds your part of the bridge. You let go of the handle, and back up.

"Are you trying to attack me?", he says.

"I should've known.", he says almost disappointed sounding.

~The Muffin Chronicles~ (MCYT Undertale Inspired AU)Where stories live. Discover now