Chapter two

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December 1984

She was drowning

She could feel the water in her lungs

And she fell the inferius tearing off her skin

Her eyes and lungs burned as the water got in them

She was going to die here

"What the fuck,"Sirius said "when did Regulus have a child?!" as he looked at the spot on the tapestry.

"Lunch is ready." Mrs Weasley called unaware of what had just happened upstairs.

Everyone besides Sirius, Harry, and Hermione went downstairs. Sirius was still starring at the tapestry.

"How did you not know that she was pregnant," Harry asked hesitantly "is there stuff you can use to hide it?"

"No there isn't and Mother wouldn't have wanted Regulus to hide it anyway, she was pregnant with the Black heir," Sirius said "I don't think anyone new because if so it would have been mentioned after she went missing."

Hermione bent down and looked at the date of birth. "Oh my gosh," she said "I think I know what happened, Sirius you said that no one knew that she was pregnant and you can't hide pregnancies with magic. What if she wasn't pregnant for long what if it just suddenly happened."

"Hermione, what on earth are you talking about." Sirius asked.

"Look at the date of birth, and the last name Hargreeves, I'm saying what if her child was a member of the umbrella academy."

Harry thought about this, he could remember when they were at the highly of there fame, everyone in his school were obsessed with them, except for Dudley and him. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had said that they were freaks, one time he had overheard his Aunt tell his Uncle that they were worse than her sisters lot. But then one of the members had disappeared and a little while later one of them died and the hype for the umbrella academy was gone, the last time he heard them mentioned was two years ago when there adoptive father died.

Sirius on the other hand was completely confused. He had never heard of the umbrella academy because he was in Azkaban at the time and even if he wasn't he still probably would not have heard of them because most of the wizarding world hadn't, which Hermione and Harry found odd but then again most wizards did not pay attention to the Muggle world.

"What's the umbrella academy?" Sirius finally asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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