✨🌸 Chapter 56 🌸✨

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Mark backed away, biting his lip as Jeno stared at his best friend. The blonde met eyes with him and shifted his feet. "It's a nullification power... except it takes powers away forever. And he has no control of how far he takes it and needs to be stopped while using it. If any of us were to touch him we'd lose our powers."

Jeno's eyes widened and he backed up a bit. "You mean you're taking Jaemin's power away??"

Xiaojun nodded and folded his arms. "It will get rid of the vine around his heart and he'd no longer be slowly dying from it. It's the safest option."

Jaemin's ghost felt his eyes widen momentarily, looking at Jeno who pursed his lips together tightly and bit the inside of his cheeks. Jaemin soon slacked and nodded his head, willing to lose his power if it meant his life would be saved. Jeno looked to him with saddened eyes. He didn't want to have to do this to the boy, but there was really no other option.

"Alright... just please save him," Jeno said helplessly, causing Xiaojun to nod and open the door for Hendery. He followed the dark haired behind and glanced one last time at the power squad.

Jeno stared at the two through the door with Jaemin on his left and Mark on his right. The others just nervously waited while peeking in occasionally, but Jisung found himself unable to watch as fear bubbles in his stomach.

The dark haired watched as Hendery stepped on the far side of Jaemin's hospital bed, looking over the unconscious boy nervously before looking to Xiaojun. Jeno squinted his eyes as the spirit next to him tried to get a better look.

"Hey, what exactly happens if he's not stopped while using his power?" Jeno suddenly whispered to the blonde next to him.

Mark could only keep his eyes trained on the two inside, not wanting to have to worry Jeno like this. But hey, he couldn't keep this from him especially under the circumstances.

"Well, if he's not stopped, it could erase more than just his power," Mark whispered his answer, Jeno snapping his head to the other. "It can start erasing anything associated with the power, including Jaemin himself if held long enough."

"What the hell?!" Jeno said loudly, startling the others who were sitting in the waiting seats. Mark gave him a still but worried look as Jeno stared back into the room with a lot more on his mind now.

Nervousness shook Jeno's body as he stared at Hendery now rolling up his sleeves, the boy himself looking scared over his own power. Even though they may have found a way out of this, why did it still have to jeopardize Jaemin?

"J-Jeno," a boy whispered from beside him, catching his attention as he turned to Jaemin. But something was off with him besides being translucent, and that was the fact his hands were slowly deteriorating and moving through the wall. "I think I'm-"

"Going back to your body," Jeno said with wide eyes and Jaemin smiled widely at him. "It's working..."

Jeno watched the boy fade entirely and looked back into the room. There was dust whirling around in the air like a million fireflies, then entering the limp body with hands now hovering over it. The dark haired boy felt his blood race with anticipation as his eyes traveled from the faint glow slowly disappearing in the dim light, up to the boy whose hands were hovered over Jaemin's chest.

Xiaojun has taken some thick winter gloves from his pocket as he made sure all of his skin was secure so as to not lose his own power. The sight of the nervous Hendery brought memories to mind last time he used this power of his, painful ones that will forever haunt him. But maybe Hendery was right, maybe this would make up for the time he almost killed someone, because now they were prepared.

•The Ghost of Flowers• {[Nomin]}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu