Chapter 1

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The moment I wake up this morning I knew that it wasn't going to be a good day because every day before it made me want to crawl in my bed at night... pull open the curtains and look up at the moon hoping someone or something will give me a sign that life will get better in days to come but each night a storm just brews covering the moon so that I can't see it.

    After I get out of bed I am greeted by my step-mother in my bathroom because she sleeps on the couch because of the never ending fight she is in with my father. I have to wait for her to get out because you know she doesn't want to be in the same room as him so she hogs my bathroom. After she gets out I do my usual sit in there contemplating what to do with my life but then realizing that I have to go get ready for work because I got to adult. So after I get done in the bathroom I go back to my room because I don't have to be a work for like two hours.

      As I lay back in bed I put on my headphones so I dont have to hear the constant yelling of my parents in the other room hoping the soothing sounds of my favorite song will help my mind ease the stress away. News flash it didn't. So after my dad leaves my step mom goes to her room and shuts the door getting ready for what ever she plans on doing to not be home.

    Its now 7:30 am and I get up off my bed after listening to my favorite song on repeat to find my perfectly clean Scrubs waiting for me on my dresser because I cleaned them the night before because I knew I would need them. I throw on my scrubs and my shoes and throw my hair up in a bun and walk out the door to my car.


This is only a rough draft I am still planning on making changes as my thought process on the book progress.

** End Note**


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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