Chapter 2-Lucid Nightmares

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"Nightmares is one step closer from being endangered "

While Lixue was still asleep in his room he had a very terrifying dream where he was locked up in a asylum by a mysterious person with two guards beside him dragging him towards the gate.

Then he found himself chained into the wall with his body all bruised up and then the mysterious person picked up the pliers like it was ready to be use for electric shock.

Lixue knew that the mysterious person will electrify him but he can't move his body to invade life he was frozen to death(Since it was a dream),but the longer the torture he began to get frightened and after that the mysterious person whispered "Your life would be meaningless if you don't even know what is your purpose"Should I tell you or not?"

Lixue got pertified after those words and at every torturous things the mysterious person was doing to him.Lixue then thought to himself"Will this lead me to my purpose?Can this person in front of me can give me the life that I deserved?"while slowly bowing his head to despair.

Hours later Lixue was unchained unexpectedly after all those petrifying terms of events that happened on him.He slowly reach out the end of the gate and notices that the guard was ignoring him like he was given freedom.He immediately ran away finding a way out even thou he was so tired,yet the only thing in his mind is escape only escape

A voice echoed loudly through the hall"ESCAPE,ESCAPE,go on ESCAPE!Your life is meaningless without that purpose your life keeps living for!Hahahahaha!Keep running your not gonna find what your looking for if you won't use that ice in your veins!!!"

As Lixue was still running endlessly for his life he suddenly lost consciousness due to tiredness.Almost reaching out of his suffering,then instantly he woke up back in his room and was so sweaty.

"Was that a nightmare or somebody's
memories and why does my body shaking?Did that really happen of just my
imagination.Sniff..Sniff..I really need take a bath."

Before he entered the bathroom he heard something from the living room from his parents sorrowing about everything in their life and their only son.When he heard this he immediately walked to the bathroom guilty.

He punched the wall and started to sob.
"Why!Why!Can't remember anything!"
Bumping his head back and forth until his head bleed out.

Looking at his palm he saw his tears turn into eyes that made him freaked out at that moment and fell to the ground.

"Lixue is everything ok there?Do you need help?"His mom asked him

"Ahhhh no no everything is fine I just closed the door too hard"Lixue responded

"If that so could you come here after what your doing over there cause there's a letter for you"

"Ok"as Lixue was about to leave out of the bathroom.He got himself changed then stroll down to his mom.

"So what was the letter you where talking about?"

"Here it has your name in it do you have any idea who sent you that letter?Oh you still can't remember anything just don't push yourself so hard cause I'll you this even you forgot your memories me and your dad will be still here and we'll never leave your side till end ok ."his mom gave Lixue the letter and looked at him with a sorrowful smile.

Lixue wanted to cheer up his mom but he knew that he wasn't the Lixue they expected to cheer them up so he couldn't do single thing.He taked the letter to his room and laid down raising his hand with the letter figuring who would send a letter at this late night.When he opened it he found inside there was memo that says.

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