Chapter 1-Forgotten Memories

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"Tragedy in life is one disturbing memory"

A 3rd-year high school student named Lixue Aquillo started his day by making breakfast for him and his parents.Praying to a picture of his famil then grab his bag walked towards the gate and turn to parents yelling
"Mom,Dad Im going first cause Dan is waiting for,so bye bye and have a good day!"

After Lixue left his house he rushed in the streets.while running he saw a black crow staring at him and another approach him in his shoulder making Lixue feel a bit nervous about something when all of a sudden he was so caught up with the crow and forgot to look out of his way then accidentally he got himself hit by a black van.

He was taken to the nearest hospital called Greiver's Medical Center.When he was taken to the hospital his mother(Therese Aquillo)
rushed to the hospital immediately while his father (Arnold Aquillo) was trying to investigate on what happened to his son.

8 days later,Lixue woke up wondering what just happened to him and questioning himself who was he and who was the woman sleeping beside him.His mother woke up and then she was so happy that her son came back to her and his father was running like a formula car through the hall,up stairs,and coming into the room when he heard Lixue waked up,but the happiness didn't last long when they found out that their son had no memories of himself or anything.

They were devastated about Lixue's situation since he was the only children left in their family.

11 years ago,Lixue was 5 years old when his older brother and sister died from being kidnapped for 1 whole month and murdered by a unknown group of assassins leaving their body in front of the Aquillo's house and the neighbours were shock that they called out Lixue's parents to come home and to see what happened to their lost children for 1 month.

When the father and mother arrived home with two incident not only they saw their lost children but also letting Lixue watch the remains of his brother and sister in front of his very own eyes and asked his parents.

"Mom,Dad...who did this to them I thought you told me that they were away just for a trip."Lixue falling in deep sadness.

His mother immediately towards him and hug him with tears telling him.

"Sorry,sorry,I'm so sorry for lying to you!"

His father later told him that it was never their intention to keep hiding this from Lixue

While they were comfronting their son polices came by to investigate the case of the incident leaving Lixue's dad to go with the police to asked some questions

Before this event happened when their children were kidnapped they have already requested on finding their missing children

Being a kid to see the terrifying gore bodies of his siblings made him felt like he has another reason to live not only for his life to be at peace but also to make his siblings rest in peace as well.

The rage that he felt motivated him to be a hardworking student in class and in life.He was always serious at everything making himself a name for the school.Rejecting from being a nominee of the student council and an athlete to give him more focus for his career.

He was good at academics,sports even thou his not an athlete but just to boost up his grades,and finding some people for him to trust and handle the unknown case of his brother and sister by paying them for clues and finding witness from people who had the same cases as him as well.

Through the following days a student from his class wanted to be friends with him.It was lunch break at he sat in front of Lixue backwards and spoked to him.

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