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"Do I have to go?" You sighed and flopped down on your bed. 

"Yes, sweetie. You have to at least make an appearance- everyone goes to these. You need to look like an active member of the community," your mom told you sternly. "Now put this on."

She laid down a yellow floral sundress and exited the room. You took one look at it and frowned. Your parents might be able to make you go to the stupid community movie night, but they could not make you wear that. You opted for shorts and a shirt instead, and headed downstairs.When your mom saw you, she sighed and gave you a frown. You suppressed a smile and headed out to the car.

When you got to the movie, you scanned around the field, looking for someone to sit with. As you searched, you saw JJ, the boy from a few nights before, sitting with a boy you recognized but you didn't know the name of, and Kie. You didn't know her well, but you knew her from the year she went to Kook academy.

You sighed and turned away. Looking around again, you saw plenty of families, kids, couples... and then Rafe, Topper, and Kelce.

Rafe gave you a sarcastic little wave, which you returned with a casual middle finger.He smirked at you in response. You scoffed and went to find a place to sit by yourself when Topper stood up and yelled "Y/n! Come sit with us!" 

You wanted to ignore it but your mom pushed you along towards them. Grudgingly, you walked over to sit with the boys.

"So, Y/n. How are you?" Rafe asked with a cocky grin.

"I was fine until I saw you," you replied.

"Awww, you don't have to pretend you hate me, Y/N. I know the truth..." he said and made a very suggestive gesture.

"Shut up, Rafe," you said, pushing his shoulder. 

He pretended to look offended but he obviously wasn't. It annoyed you sometimes... all of the Kooks were so oblivious and thought every girl was in love with them. So not true.

Just then, while Kelce, Topper, and Rafe were busy talking about who knows what, you noticed JJ, Kie, and the other guy staring at you. They seemed to be having a heated discussion, and when they saw you looking, they turned away.  JJ looked back at you a second later with a little smile on his face and tipped his baseball cap to you. You grinned in response, giving a small salute. His smile widened but then you saw his eyes shift to the boys next to you and he turned away.

"Hey, Topper, who is that guy?" you asked and nudged Topper, pointing to the guy sitting next to Kie and JJ.

"Pope. Stupid Pogue, sunk my father's boat and blamed it on me. I'm gonna get him for that." He looked very angry and was clenching and unclenching his fist. Man, never get on that guy's bad side, you thought.

Pope glanced back at you, and though he turned around quickly, you got a glimpse of his face. All you could see was fear, his eyes moving wildly around, his fingers fidgeting. Whatever he had done, he must've had a reason.

Suddenly, the movie started and you were interrupted from your thoughts.  You watched peacefully for a while, until about 10 minutes in when Rafe tried to sling his arm around you. You shook him off and shot him a glare, but he kept trying until you were forced to pin his hand down to the grass so he couldn't touch you anymore.

Despite the ongoing movie, you couldn't help that your eyes kept drifting to the Pogues in front of you. About half an hour later, you noticed a movement coming from the front and you saw that JJ and Pope were getting up and going to a woodsy area behind the screen.  At the same time, Rafe nudged your hand that was pinning his down, saying "Princess, I know it's hard but you've gotta let go of my hand." 

Pogue Style- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now