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A/N: This chapter is from JJ's POV, but most of the story will be from y/n's point of view!

"JJ, I dare you to flirt with that kook over there. Bonus points if you mack her!" John B smirked, pointing to a pretty girl sitting by herself on a log in the middle of the boneyard.

"But she's a kook! No fucking way, man!" JJ recoiled. "Can't believe they crashed our kegger again."

"A dare is a dare, JJ," Pope reasoned, looking at Kie for backup.

"Plus... she's hot, I guess?" Kie added, not really knowing what to say.

Everyone watched as the girl, who was turned away from them, ran a hand through her hair.

"Fine," JJ muttered as he hopped off of his own log. He took another swig of beer and wiped his mouth before walking towards her. He shot up a middle finger at the Pogues before storming off towards. Luckily, he knew how to turn on his charm so he got rid of the scowl and put a smirk on his face. That always got the ladies.

He hopped up on the log beside the girl but she still didn't turn to face him. 

"So, what's a pretty Kook like you doing sitting all by yourself?" he questioned with a flirty tone of voice. He gagged inside, not believing that he was talking to, let alone flirting with a Kook.

Finally the girl turned to face him, studying his face and checking out his body. JJ checked her out at the same time, and he noticed that she was actually pretty cute.

"What's a handsome Pogue like yourself doing talking to a Kook like me? I thought you hated us all," she replied coolly, no emotion showing on her face.

JJ didn't know what to say for a moment. It was true, but as he snuck a glance at the Pogues laughing at them behind him, he gritted his teeth.

"Kook or Pogue it doesn't matter, you're too pretty to be sitting alone," he said, allowing himself another full look at the girl's face. Which was actually really gorgeous. For a Kook. 

"Wow, are all Pogues as sweet as you?" she smirked, causing the boy to grin back.

"Only when they see beautiful girls such as yourself."

"Man, you really know how to get the ladies going!" The girl teased, fanning herself and putting a hand to her heart.

"I try. But seriously- where are all of your friends? And don't give me any of that 'I don't have any' crap. I don't believe that for a second," JJ asked, running a hand through his thick blonde hair.

"Over there, smoking weed and doing who knows what," the girl said, staring at the water. 

"Oh, and you're not that kind of girl? Too pure, too innocent?" JJ teased with a grin and a nudge to her shoulder.

"I don't know, am I? What do you think?" she said, turning around to look at him again, her eyes staring straight into his.

His eyes scanned her face, searching for a glimpse into the person she was. "I don't know. I can't figure you out," he admitted, "But something tells me there's more to you than meets the eye."

"Oh? And what does meet the eye?" she asked with a smirk, batting her eyes at him jokingly. 

JJJ looked her up and down, his eyes glancing from her face to her waist, then down to her legs and back up. "A pretty girl," he replied with a sly grin. There was nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting, plus he'd probably never see this girl again, so it was okay.

"Oh, I bet you say that to all the ladies," she said, but she couldn't stop a smile from tugging at your lips.

"Nah, only the ones that it's true for," JJ countered with a wink. 

Pogue Style- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now