Chapter 1: Kid's Gone Missing

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Mabel's P.O.V

I was walking everywhere, I was sweating hard. I can feel something wrong, someone missing. Someone I care for.
Dipper! It finally came to me. Dipper's gone missing! He's been out since 10 am and he still hasn't come back. I rushed downstairs to look for him, and I know he's out in the woods, monster hunting as he said. I went to Wendy who was placing her feet on the counter and reading a magazine; clearly she is slacking off, though it's near closing time.

"Wendy, has dipper gone back yet?" I asked, worried and terrified on what's wrong might happen to him.
"Seriously? Dipper's missing?" Wendy chuckled and snorted at the same time. She wouldn't believe me, so I got off the wrong foot and yelled at her.
"THAT'S IT!" I shouted. " Dipper's gone missing since this morning and you think it's all a joke! You always think,everything's a joke and you wouldn't even worry about hime not a single bit?! And you won't even believe me!" I shouted. After a second, I assumed that Soos went it because he heard me yelling at Wendy.

"Hey dudes, what's all the ruckus about?" He asked, swirling into the area."Hehe, ruckuss." Said Soos, laughing at simple word that doesn't even sound funny. Another split second later, we heard Stan get in the room."Who disturbed me from my scheduled nap?" He said, rubbing his eyes and looked at all three of us. "Mabel said that Dipp's gone missing." Said Wendy, who tried to explain to Stan, who would still laugh at this serious matter.

"Hahaha, nice one Wendy, we all know that that's one bad joke!" Said Grunkle Stan annoyingly. That's it! I lost my patience, so I stomped my right foot to make all of them catch my attention. "That's it! This is a very serious matter and you all made fun of it! There's something wrong with Dipper, and I'm pretty sure he's out there injured, hungry and cold, but all of you just mind it like a simple thing that doesn't even matter to all of you! I know Dipper needs help because I know and I can feel it because I'm his twin!" I shouted at the top of my lungs then tears suddenly started to fall out.

"Woah Mabel, we're sorry. You know we don't really take anything so serious. Sorry Mabel, it's our fault too you know?" Wendy said, calming me down so I'd stop stressing myself, but I was still crying because I am worried. Stan and Soos apologized the same thing too, though I also said sorry because I felt bad for shouting at them.
"But yeah dudes, where is Dipper?" Soos asked us without a clue. Suddenly, we all became quiet and worried about on what was happening right now.

"Chill Mabel." Said Grunkle Stan "I'm sure he'd be back soon. He left during 10:28 am and what time is it, 2 or 3 maybe?
I don't know..." Said Stan.
"Um... Mr. Pines, it's already 6:15 pm." Said Soos, correcting Grunkle.
"What?!" Panicked Grunkle Stan. Now he's worried.
"Wait, if he left during 10 am and it's already 6 pm, the Dipper's been gone for-"
"8 hours!" Said Wendy, cutting in to Stan's moment of realization.

Suddenly, everything around me became blurry, I was feeling dizzy all the sudden and I can't hear what Stan, Soos and Wendy are talking about, until that the last thing I know is that my vision became all black.

I suddenly was panicking, running but what? why? Where?

What's going on?

Who's there?

What do you want from me?

Where are you, Dipper?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon