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I walked around the hallway for what seemed like ages until I finally found the class I was looking for. I had math first so I wasn't bothered about being late or not.

Knocking on the door that had Room 11B on it, I quietly opened the door to see people settling down on their chairs. I held unto my backpack very well and went to find an empty sit around the corner.

Not wanting much attention, I walked briskly to the back of the classroom. Seeing an empty table and chair, I sat and released a breathe I didn't realize I was holding.

A young man entered the class. I knew he was the teacher because of the heavy and many papers he had on his hands. He had his glasses on and his hair was in a mess. "Sorry for the lad if he's married," I mumbled. He carried his bag very well, so that it won't fall with the papers in his hands.

A student quickly got up to help him, knowing that he won't make it to his table if he kept walking with the papers. Thanking her, she sauntered back to her table with a smile. She was beautiful though and a brunette for that matter. You could see her hair was long but she had held it in a bun.

Before sitting down, she looked back and our eyes met, it lingered for a while until I removed my gaze. I was hoping and praying that the headmistress had not told the male teacher about me being a new student. I wanted to stay hidden. That's how I had lived life. Well the 18 years of my life.

Even when my parents were alive, I was like that. I hardly went out unless my mum was going or my dad needed me to follow him to some place. I hated some certain type of attention.

Hearing the teacher clear his throat to speak, I closed my eyes. I could already feel it. He was going to. "Good morning class," he said, picking up a paper from his desk. "I heard that we have a new student and he goes by the name Brandon Benner. Brandon Benner please if you are in the class can you give a wave or stand up for us to see you."

I opened my eyes slowly to look around. Some had their eyes on me because they knew I was the only one with the new face, while some kept looking around to see who Brandon Benner was. I didn't move, I was stiff on my sit.

Publicity wasn't my thing. I wasn't on any social media apart from instagram but I didn't post much things on it. I took out a book from my back and began to draw in it not being unfazed by the glare I was getting.

"Okay so he's not in class. Let's get back to what we were doing last week. Most of you did not submit the homework so I'm guessing you didn't do it." Almost half of the class groaned.

When he turned his back to the class and started writing the topic we had today, my mind shifted drastically. I went back to the drawing I was doing when I heard a sound from someone in front. "Pssttt."

I looked at where the sound was coming from and it was from the brunette that helped the teacher with his papers. A paper was passed back until it reached the guy in front of me. He turned around to look at me before giving me the paper.

Before I could ask him who I was meant to pass the paper to, realization hit me. I was the last person on the column. There was no one sitting behind me.

Looking down at the paper with a raised eye brow I saw my name written below to the right of the paper. Glancing up, I spotted the brunette staring at me.

I opened it patiently. I was going to be bored in the class so why should rush into things. It was folded into two. I stared at the handwriting before reading. One could see it was written quickly with how difficult it was for me to see but it was smooth. Nothing was canceled.

Hey. I know you would need someone to show you around the school.

I'd love to help.

Just meet me in this class during lunch.

And welcome to BridgeLing High School.

I smiled for a while but dropped it when I saw her still staring at me. Her name was written at the bottom left below the last sentence. Lea. Lea was her name.

I folded the paper back and slipped it into my pocket, going back to what I was doing. Drawing.


Omdsssssss. I'm so so sorry for the delay in updating. I'll try to never repeat it lol.

Love y'all. Please don't forget to vote and commenttttt!!!

Thank you.!!

RIP Hoodie And CanvasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora