Train Ride Part 2 Keefe POV

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Keefe's POV of what happened

I finally convinced my dad to let me go to foxfire. FREEDOM! All I had to do was promise not to prank him for a year....thank god Ro still can. I will never let my dad go off that easily. I went on a train ride to school and ditched my dads' limo that he set up for me, Uh, I know we're rich but come on dad, a limo?

   I was on the train and loving the silence, it was like I was at home. Then all of a sudden there was a *ding*, it was from the in front of me. She was getting a text from her dad and well I was bored, what was the harm of reading her texts. 

   She starts talking and is about to get caught not texting her dad at a time for a reason I have no idea, but I know how to make a dad quilty so I give her an answer," say now we will never know, thanks for trusting me." I just gave her an answer and she looked horrified, she responded and almost shouted"What the hell are you reading my texts."

   That's when she turned her head and damn, her eyes were so pretty, brown with golden specks and she just took my breath away, but that's not what we are focusing on, this girl, instead of saying "thank you, my savior" she complains. She was pretty though. So I gave her my signature smirked and said"Your dad is gonna get suspicious if you take so long texting"

   It was so cute, she even grunted when she said "we are getting back to this whole reading my texts." "I wouldn't have it any other way," I smirked again, she blushed. "And score" I whispered and then I noticed that her dad texted so I tried to cover up my 'score" by saying, "Told ya." "thanks" she grumbled. Ha, I knew she would say that though she forgot to say, my savior. Then her dad texted again so I took that moment to sit beside her.

"Excuse me, why are you sitting here" she snapped at me. "Snark, I like that in a woman" I replied with my awesome smirk "to answer your question, the person beside me was snoring so I came to sit here" lol amazing excuse Keefe, that's totally why you sat here, but then I noticed something "your staring." She started blushing way harder and mumbled" why were you reading my texts." "Nice topic change" I smirked, she was so into me and The Hair tm, "I was curious, then when your father caught you I thought I could help, now let's get back to how handsome I am," I said running my finger in The hair tm.

  "I don't think we were talking about how handsome you are," she said "so you think I'm handsome" I questioned. I hoped she said yes but no she blushed harder and blurted out "No I don't." "Sureeee.", wow sure, really good response thankfully she changed the topic and asked my name, but obviously I had to say that she changed the topic, how else would I make her blush so I said, "you really like changing the topic, huh, my name is Keefe Sencen, You?" "Sophie Foster" perfect for a nickname, "Foster, I like it" then I smirked, run my hands through my hair again, and noticed she was staring again, this time I didn't interrupt.

Hey guys, I know this is repetition but I really wanted to try Keefes point of view, so ya. I will probably have another part in a few days where Sophie goes to foxfire a meets dirt, sorry it was autocorrected, where she meets Fitz and the rest of her friends, I hope to write more soon.

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