Ben Scenario ~ How He Asks You Out

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One day, class went by as usual, and after the day was over, you grabbed your backpack and was about to leave the classroom before Ben stopped you. You smiled slightly at him and had to look up to look at him. "Hey, (Y/N), would you mind going to dinner with me? Nothing weird, just.. a simple dinner." He said, an awkward smile crossing his face. You raised an eyebrow, you were confused. "L-Like a date?" You stuttered. He shrugged. "I mean I guess, it can be 'utever you wanna call it." He said, smiling awkwardly still.

You smiled and a small blush crossed your cheeks. "S-Sure, I'd be delighted!" You said with a happy smile. A look of excitement crossed his face. "Y-You smiled!!" He exclaimed, picking you up and twirling you around. You blushed and giggled. He then realized what he was doing and set you down, nervously chuckling and a blush crossing his face. "Sorry... I just love it when you smile.."

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