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'This is so good actually', Filiz said with mouthful of pasta, 'Can you pass the salad please?'

Barış handed over the salad thinking of how to start telling her.

'You haven't started yet.Come on eat now', Filiz pushed a spoonful of pasta into his mouth.

'Hey...', Barış gently pushed her hand away taking the fork from her, 'I can eat by myself'.

'Okay eat then,' Filiz laughed a bit,'Don't make me force you'.

They ate silently for a few moments until Filiz intervened.

'Why are you so silent today?Is something wrong?' Filiz looked at Barış as she chewed her pasta.

'Actually..I have something to tell you', Barış cleared his throat a bit.

'Is everything okay?' Filiz stopped eating & looked a bit concerned.

'First just let me tell you I'm so sorry but I had no other options', He kept his hand on her looking directly into her eyes.

'Wait...wait a minute', Filiz checked his temperature on the forehead with her other hand, 'Are you sick?'

Barış pulled down her hand,taking both of her hands into his, 'I have to go out of city for 5 days for a conference,so I have to leave today'.

Filiz paled a little at the words.Slowly she withdrew her hands from Barış & got back to eating.

Barış felt so guilty by her reaction.He thought she would be angry & scream at him but this silent treatment meant that she's more hurt than he thought she would be.

'Listen', He tried to pull her face towards her by holding her chin but she resisted, 'Please just let me explain'.

Barış finally let go of her when she didn't look back, 'Okay you don't have to look,just listen',He straighten himself a bit,'I know it's your birthday after two days & you have been planning for a trip to relax after a long time;trust me even I was so excited but this thing came out of nowhere & I wasn't in a position to refuse', He squeezed her hand softly, 'Please try to understand'.

Filiz didn't respond & got up from the table walking away.

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