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Filiz thought it would be better to message Barış after she had given him the cold shoulder in the morning.She began to type a message but Aysel started crying & she left it in midway & ran to look at Aysel.

**2 days later**

It's Filiz's birthday today.

She hadn't slept a bit at night so she ended up sleeping till afternoon.

She woke up & took a shower & checked the phone.

No calls.No messages.

A wave of disappointment washed over her.

How could Barış forget it's her birthday today!

Only if he's upset with her because she hadn't called nor messaged him once in these two days;it wasn't on purpose though,every time she thought of calling him something came out & later she forgot about it & of course added with the fact that she was angry with him refrained her.

She felt like crying while experiencing a mixture of anger & guiltiness.

She turned off the phone & threw it away on the table beside the bed.

She decided she's not gonna stay upset about it.

Instead she tried to keep herself busy.She cooked,gave Aysel a bath,cleaned the house a bit & finally sat down to eat something in the evening.

She messed with the food for a while not eating anything & finally left the table.She couldn't eat.

Suddenly the doorbell rang & she rushed off to open it excitedly but saw a stranger standing.

'Do I know you?' She asked the man.

'Actually ma'am your husband had an accident & I'm here to take you to the hospital', the man answered.

Filiz felt the whole world spinning around her.She hold the door tightly to avoid tripping down.

Life after marriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz