Ch 2 the prey of a beast

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Haru and I planted flowers all morning as I feel bad for that alpaca by the name of Tem, was devoured on the school grounds.

"Haru," I spoke,

Haru looked at me

"would it be okay if I took some flowers?" I asked

"Yeah sure what for y/n?"

"for Tem," I replies

"Yeah sure"

"thank you, Haru I see you at the dining hall." I smile picking up some flowers and Walk away,



I carried flowers with me headed to the small memorial set up for Tem.

I got more nervous again with all the stare and
the whispers that filled around me

"I should have ask haru come with me but to late now" I sighs

When I reached my destination I froze in the Spot to see a door dented in, with Police tape was set up blocking from entering.

Gifts and flowers had set in front of  Tem's photo

I setting my flowers down. I got on my knees putting my hands in a prayer position.

Then I was done praying, I stood up giving one last look to Tem's photo before quickly departing.

I start headed to dining hall to see big crowds around me making me nervous all over again

I quickly grabbed my food and went outside searching for Haru.

Then I saw Haru sitting outside, but Haru wasn't alone. Haru was surrounded by a harlequin rabbit, a cat, and a raccoon.

I sighs "can they just leave her alone"

I couldn't really make out what the girls were saying, when Haru dropped her spoon in distaste, before standing addressing the girls.

I watched fascinated with how Haru talked back to the girls her head held high with a small smirk, seeming to be not bothered by them at all. When she was done Haru tried to walk away but Mizuchi elbowed the girl causing her to trip and go over the edge.

I gasped as haru hit the ground, her food spilling right next to her. Her eyes widened further when Mizuchi pulled out a bucket.


I dropped my food running to haru.

As I quickly stand in front of her making water splashed all over me instead

I looked  over my shoulder to see no water went on her

"Haru...are you, okay?" I asked

Haru nod. when the bucket was hitting on the ground next to her.

haru sit up starting at me. I turned around to the bullying girls.

"That's enough and leave haru." I glared right at the
three girls.

"Let's go, girls, no need to be around this filth anymore."  She walked away with her friends following behind her.

"Haru are you sure you okay?" I asked again.

"Y/n you idiot Look at you, your all wet."

I smiled. "Haru you're my first friend I made in this school I couldn't just stand there and watch you get more bully".

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