2012, Italy

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A week went by. They played three more shows but got some time to rest in between. Louis got to spend that time with Harry and he couldn't be happier. Things were a little awkward between them at first like they didn't really know how to act around each other now. Louis did his absolute best
to treat Harry as the prince he was, or princess really. They took it slow at first. Some polite sentences here and there.

They had decided to go out for lunch together. The rest of the guys were more than surprised but they didn't comment on it. If Louis and Harry made an effort to become friends things would be so much easier.

Louis took Harry to a nice restaurant and he was talking nervously the whole time, making sure that Harry was okay. A half-hour into the lunch Harry put his cutlery down.
"You're trying too hard Lou. I appreciate it but please, can we just, like be ourselves? I promised that I would give you a chance. Just talk to me."

Louis let out a breath he had been holding in.
"I'm sorry. I'm nervous, okay?" He chuckled.

"Why? You have known me for two years." Harry smiled.

"Yeah, not really, but I would like to get to know you. Tell me about yourself, Harry." Louis smiled.

Harry rolled his eyes but started to talk. He hesitated at first but when he noticed that Louis listened to every word he said like he actually wanted to hear them like he was genuinely interested to get to know him, it became easier. The conversation was flowing naturally. He had always liked this Louis, the funny and caring one, the one he was around the other boys. Harry just hadn't experienced that firsthand. He still didn't get it. Why Louis had been so dismissive towards him, especially not if it was true that he really liked him? It was confusing. He wouldn't get his hopes up though. It was way too early for that.

They stayed at the restaurant for an hour after they had finished eating, just talking, but then their security team told them that they had to go back. Louis paid for their meals even if Harry protested.
"It's the least I can do Harry. I had a really great time. Thank you for coming out with me." Louis said and smiled.

"Yeah, it was fun." Harry answered and smiled back.

They just stood there smiling at each other until their bodyguard pushed them against the door.
"Come on boys. It's time to leave."

They went back to their hotel to rest before dinner and then they would have a soundcheck. Louis laid down on his bed with a happy sigh. Today had been perfect. Harry was so sweet. He didn't know what the hell he had been thinking when he tried to convince himself that Harry was putting on a facade. Harry didn't think he was superior. He was humble and lovely and God, he just wanted to kiss him!

There was a knock on his door and he jumped off the bed and went to open it. Harry stood on the other side, looking nervous.
"Hi! Sorry, did I wake you? I couldn't sleep. I don't know what I'm doing here really. God, sorry, I'll go." He rambled.

Louis grabbed his arm when he was about to turn around.
"Hey! I'm really glad you're here. Please come inside."

"You are?" Harry asked surprised.

"Of course I am Haz." Louis chuckled and moved away from the door.

"I will need some time getting used to that." Harry mumbled.

They sat down on Louis' bed and neither of them really knew what to say at first.
"Maybe this was a bad idea." Harry said and glanced at Louis.

"Don't go, Harry. We can watch some tv, rest for a while?" Louis suggested.

"Yeah, we can do that." Harry answered, sounding relieved.

Louis thought that he was so brave to come and knock on his door. He must have been so afraid that he would just tell him to sod off. Harry had always been the brave one throughout history. Louis' heart swelled.

They climbed higher up in bed so they could rest their backs against the headboard. Louis turned on the tv and started to flip through the channels.
"What do you wanna watch?"

"Oooo that baking show! I love that!" Harry said excitedly.

Louis turned to look at him with sparkling eyes.

"Are you gonna make fun of me now?" Harry asked, sounding insecure.

Louis' features softened.
"No. I'll never make fun of you again. I'm so sorry for every time I made you feel bad. I'm horrible!"

"You were sometimes. I won't lie. That doesn't mean that you are horrible Lou. We're turning a new page, right?"

"Absolutely!" Louis said and smiled.

They got lost in each other's eyes for a moment.
"Can I give you a hug Harry?"

"Uhm, sure. Why not?" Harry answered and opened his arms.

Louis embraced him and stuck his nose in the crook of Harry's neck. He let out a deep sigh. He felt like home. Harry let go way too soon but Louis just turned to the tv.
"I wonder if I could learn how to bake like that."

"I could teach you." Harry answered.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, sounding hopeful.

Harry threw him a quick glance and chuckled lightly.
"Of course. If you really want me to."

"I'd love that!" Louis answered excitedly.

"Since when did you develop a sudden urge to learn how to bake?" Harry said with a smirk.

"Hey! People can change." Louis huffed and nudged Harry's shoulder with his own.

"I really hope so." Harry answered quietly.

They locked eyes again until Harry let out a deep sigh and turned his eyes to the tv again. He scooched and laid down. They watched the show in silence for a while. When Louis looked over at Harry a couple of minutes later he was sound asleep. Louis smiled fondly and brushed a strand of hair from his eyes before he laid down too. A couple of minutes later he had fallen asleep as well.

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