( x ) ♡ 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Thankfully we can actually pay attention to our work this Valentine's Day." Willow muttered. Jim nodded in response.

Willow returned to her desk after getting a cup of coffee. She noticed that Dwight was absent from his desk. There was a closed cardboard box adjacent to the keyboard. Knowing immediately who it was from, she sighed and tried to distract herself from her childish jealousy over something she could not control.

Dwight came back to his desk, looking at the mysterious box.

"What is this?" he asked cautiously.

"I don't know, it's on your desk." Jim replied.

"Yeah, but who put it here? And for what purpose?" 

"It was there when I sat down."

"I didn't see who put it down." Willow added. Dwight took out a Swiss Army Knife and carefully cut the tape on the box. He opened it up and read out the card, which simply said 'Happy Valentine's Day.' He placed the card down and took out a bobble head, a smile slowly etching onto his face.

"It's me. I'm the bobble head! Yes!" he cheered. Willow's feelings of resentment softened a little when seeing Dwight so happy about the gift. Smiling giddily, he placed the empty box on the ground and put the new bobble head next to his pencil cup.

"It's cute." Willow said halfheartedly. Dwight nodded; resuming his work.

One hour, two more giant presents for Phyllis and three completed games of Solitaire later, Willow stood up to get her lunch and eat in the break room. Unbeknownst to her, Dwight immediately stood to follow her. She opened up the fridge and grabbed her lunch box.

"Willow, hi how're you doing? Good. Listen, may I speak with you... privately?" Dwight asked.

"Um, okay."

"Break room, five minutes. Make yourself a cup of vanilla coffee. I know you enjoy that." Dwight whispered before leaving her alone. Confused, Willow put her lunch box next to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup, sweetening it as she liked it. Taking a sip, she made her way to the break room, where Dwight was pacing around the back table.

"Sit and eat. Don't look at me." Dwight ordered. Willow placed the mug and lunchbox on a table and started to eat a bit of her lunch.

"What's up?" Willow asked.

"Are you good at anything in regards to getting a partner a Valentine's gift?" 

"You need to get something for someone?" Willow said slowly, anger building up inside.

"Yes. And the reason I didn't get anything for this particular person, who shall remain nameless, is that she's not really the kind of person you'd think would be into Valentine's Day."

"Uh huh. Um, sometimes the gesture of getting something outweighs the actual value of it." Willow answered.

"You mean, I should get her a ham or something?"

"Um, not a ham. It's about doing something or getting something to show her that you really care." The words hurt to say, but she remained strong.

"Okay, I get it now. I know exactly what to do. Thank you Willow." 

"You're wel- oh." Dwight rushed out of the break room. The younger Halpert sighed to herself as she continued to eat her lunch. 

The door of the break room opened, revealing Jim with his lunch.

"You eating without me today?" he asked, sitting to the left of his sister.

"I'm sorry, I got hungry early today." Willow replied. 

"Oh, don't worry about it. You coming tonight? Two people already bailed."

"Of course!" 

"Oh thank God."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Willow smiled.

"Honestly? Fuck Valentine's Day." Willow grumbled.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Willow was just about ready to go home with Jim, especially after seeing Angela with a key likely from Dwight. Gathering her stuff, she sighed to herself and began to follow her brother out of the office.

"'Night, Pam. Happy Valentine's Day. Say hi to Roy for me." she muttered.

"You too, have fun with Jim." Pam replied. Willow nodded and went into the elevator.

"Who's gonna be there tonight?" Willow asked.

"Uh, just Alan and Dan. Everyone else are on dates or something."

"Ugh." Willow sighed. Jim laughed a bit in response. 

The Halpert siblings exited the elevator and began to make their way to the parking lot. 

"I'll meet at yours soon, I need to get out of these god damn clothes." Willow said. Jim nodded as they both got into their respected vehicles. Willow sighed loudly as she began driving to her apartment. She put a Mötley Crüe CD into the player. Heavy metal blasted through the speakers as a means to 'forget about love' (according to Willow anyway).

Pulling into her designated parking space at her apartment complex, Willow turned off the ignition and exited; still quite annoyed at the events that transpired earlier at work. She knew she was acting a bit childish in regard to everything, but she claimed she 'couldn't help it.'

After a small elevator ride, Willow exited and walked down the long hallway toward her apartment. Outside the door, she saw a dark wine bottle with a note on the ground. Picking it up, she opened it up; reading 'happy valentine's day. thank you for helping me today. enjoy the beet wine. from, dwight k. schrute x.'

A small smile etched onto the brunette's face as she unlocked the door of the small apartment, pocketing the note. She placed the bottle on the kitchen table and went inside her bedroom to change. 

When she finished changing into a casual outfit, Willow took the note out of the pocket of her discarded pants and put it in a small jewelry box where she had many different mementos of sorts from her life. Smiling, she shut the box and made her way out of the apartment. 

Back downstairs and in her car, Willow began to drive over to Jim's house. Remembering the bottle of beet wine back home, she reminded herself to thank Dwight for it, although a bit puzzled on how he knew her address. As she was pleasantly surprised that she was at least acknowledged by Dwight, it did not really change anything. He was still with Angela; and Willow decided that it was fine. Saddening, but fine. 

"At least we're friends..." Willow said aloud. Shaking her head, she pulled into Jim's driveway and prepared herself for a night of gambling and laughing with her brother and friends; a group of people who would never let her down.

hi guys! i'm so sorry if this
chapter is a little shorter than
usual! i promise it gets better
soon lmao! also, thank you
all sm for all the votes and
comments! ily all so much ah
<3 <3

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