Five guys one me

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The next day.

I'm standing in front of the doors to the singles event .

Rose- "well, I did it. I'm here..."

( I thought it might be good timing to restart my love life ... )

(... So here I am at this singles event. I can't believe I really came. )

Rose- " .... Hold on , isn't everyone here pretty young? "

Everywhere I look I see eyes sparkling with anticipation .

Without thinking I take a step backwards , stalling in front of the entrance.

( Wait , am I dressed for this ... ?)

( Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I've worn this outfit. It feels tight ... Ugh, I need to go on a diet. )

As I stand there pondering my waistline, I hear someone speak.

???- "Aren't you going in?"

An arm extends forward past me pushing open those doors which had been so tightly shut.

Rose- " Oh... thank you ."

Regular B - "wait a minute ..."

( Oh, it's one of those two customers from before! )

Regular B- " ... Something's different about you today."

He smiles at me .

Regular B- "This look really suits you."

Rose- "Um..."

( He complimented me on my outfit ... ! )

Regular B- " Well , see you inside ."

Rose- " Um, I ..."

( ... Ah , he's gone. )

( I really wanted to apologize again for what happened earlier . )

Pondering my missed opportunity , I follow after him as if I'm somehow being sucked inside .

( So this is what a singles event is like...)

( Like a cocktail-matchmaking party I guess ...)

I'm looking around the event, taking it all in, when I spot a table in the corner filled with small cakes.

( Oh , how cute... ! I wonder how they taste. )

The pastry chef inside of me takes over and I make a beeline for the desserts.

I stack a number of different kind of desserts onto my plate and I'm about to dig in when...


Rose- " !? "

( Someone just came smashing into me!)

I go crashing to the floor , along with all of the cake I had on my plate.

Rose- " Ouch ..."

( What the heck happened just now? )

I open my eyes , look up and see a pair of gigantic eyes staring back at me.

A young guy in a traditional kimono is straddling me , pressing me to the ground .

Kimono Guy- " ....."

( So this is who ran into me... He's actually kinda cute ...)

( He's so warm ...)

Rose- " Hey, how long do you plan on sitting on top of me? Could you get off , please? "

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